What I would like to see at the present time is less culture wars and condemnation and more listening to what gay Catholics have to say. Starting with the language. Calling them disordered is grossly inappropriate, lacks sensitivity and is the opposite of welcoming.
What I see when I look around is “gays can’t be priest”, “gays can’t adopt”, “gays need therapy”, “gays can’t be teachers at Catholic schools”, “gays can’t get health insurance for their partners”, “gays can’t get married”, “gays are disordered”, “it’s an abomination”…There’s a lot of negativity there. I’ve never seen any other sin or sinners treated like this. And the institutional church often seems to support this language and behavior towards gays, instead of speaking about compassion. I mean, yeah, I get it, the Church considers gay sex a sin, but geez, gays are people too. The lack of compassion towards gays by many in the church just really bothers me. Maybe it’s because of the culture wars that people have thought about them as an activist group with an agenda and not as persons. I don’t know. But it’s a problem.
These are human hearts we’re breaking when we call them disordered and abominations - …
OK, you said you want “gay Catholics” to speak up. Well, I don’t call myself gay, but I am a Catholic male who does struggle quite a bit with SSA, so here you go. Calling same-sex attraction, and especially homosexual activity disordered, is NOT grossly inappropriate, and the Church is NOT “breaking my heart” by calling the
actions and
inclinations (not the people themselves) disordered and abominations. It is simply the truth. I just don’t see the problem with calling sexual desires toward members of the same sex disordered. Come on, we as a society have been trying to change the mindset around this, but it will never change the fact that a woman and a man are sexually complementary, and that 2 men or 2 women are not sexually complementary. If we as a society were
truly loving, this language would not be such a problem, because the society wouldn’t see such a big gap between stating the truth and loving people - they would be able to realize that it is possible to be charitable while
gasp! still stating the truth (whether it sounds harsh or not).
Legalizing same-sex marriage, like the US did yesterday, and making same-sex attraction “normal” or “ordered”, is NOT the solution. It will only make things worse for these people. I have read a few comments about Courage and NARTH on here…I am not saying that SSA is only caused by a couple different things, but I am positive that SSA is caused by
something, and the solution for those with SSA is to find out that “something”, heal any wounds that need to be healed, fix any negative and/or harmful mindset that came from that “something”, and abandon themselves to Christ. I believe that if one does that, maybe they won’t develop OSA or even experience any decrease in SSA (although I think that has happened to many people), but they can be healed and live a fulfilling, chaste life.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m just totally different from anyone else who experiences SSA, but I’m really tired of those who promote gay marriage or whatever saying that “oh, having SSA is not a problem” or something to that effect - the truth is, SSA
is a problem and is not normal, and that’s something we have to deal with.
I’m all for recognizing the dignity of all human persons, and seeing Christ in everyone, including those who suffer with SSA. But there is a way to do that without in any way compromising the truth about the Church’s teachings regarding the desires being disordered and the actions being gravely wrong.