What are some good books for someone new to the faith?

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This past year I was introduced to the Catholic faith and I have decided to take RCIA classes through my college Catholic campus ministry this fall. So if any of you have reconmendations for good books about the faith, that would be awesome! I want to learn as much as I can and the summer would be the perfect time! Thank you all, and I have already learned so much just from reading all of your posts.
Well, first of all, let me congratulate you on making the most wonderful and important decision you will ever make!

I live in a very small town with a very small church, and they didn’t offer a formal RCIA program when I decided to convert, so a lot of it was up to me. Thankfully, we now have the Internet.

A good resource I found (aside from Catholic Answers, of course) was the Catholic Home Study Service, which offers seven books on the faith for free (although they accept donations). We Believe: A Survey of the Catholic Faith would be best to start with, then move on to the books about the Bible and the Catechism. All the books are written by Fr. Oscar Lukefahr.

One really great book that I found on Amazon, which I cannot reccommend highly enough, not just to converts but to all Catholics is Why Do Catholics Do That? by Kevin Orlin Johnson.

I’m sure you’re going to get lots of reccommendations from the good folks here. Godspeed on your journey of faith!
This past year I was introduced to the Catholic faith and I have decided to take RCIA classes through my college Catholic campus ministry this fall. So if any of you have reconmendations for good books about the faith, that would be awesome! I want to learn as much as I can and the summer would be the perfect time! Thank you all, and I have already learned so much just from reading all of your posts.
The best way to learn the faith is to read The Catechism of The Catholic Church and The Bible. The Catechism describes the faith using The Bible as well as the Chuch Fathers and the councils of the Church.

I also suggest reading a book on the Mass/Liturgy. “The Lambs Supper” by Scott Hahn is one you could read.

Reading The Church Fathers is also an option.
The “Surprised by the Truth” books are good. It has a bunch of conversion stories in it. I don’t know how many there are now, but they keep coming out with more, so I’m sure there’s enough there to keep anyone who likes conversion stories interested.

The Baltimore Catechism is good if you’re simply looking for answers, but not necessarily deep explanations- it may be enough to help you follow the rules, but it won’t really help you grow in the Faith. It’s also a bit outdated. If you don’t like books in a Q & A format (think of a teacher lecturing and you listening) then you might prefer something else, but the information is straightforward, and it covers some things that might not be covered in an RCIA class.

The Lamb’s Supper, by Scott Hahn explains how the book of Revelation is a prophesy of the Mass. It’s a great book. I wish I hadn’t lost mine.:mad:

Why Do Catholics Do That? by Kevin Orlin Johnson is informative. I haven’t read it in a few years, but I seem to remember it made Cardinal Ratzinger (who is now Pope Benedict XVI) out to be an old-fashioned fool. It wa the first “Catholic book” I ever read, and I don’t think I turned out so bad.😃
Another book that you cannot go wrong with: This Is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley. Sure, it’s an old one (original copyright date 1951), but it’s solid, clearly written, and well-organized.
I’d recommend three:

The Catholic Catechism, by Fr. John Hardon.
Not to be confused with the CCC, this is the clearest and most informative explanation of the most important teachings of the Faith. The cover is bright yellow and red so it makes a great conversation starter!

Theology For Beginners and Theology and Sanity, both by Frank Sheed.
Sheed was a master apologist and co-founder with his wife Massie Ward of the Catholic Evidence Guild. Great explanations of complex Catholic teachings, with clarity and wit.

I’ll slip in another work by Sheed that I dearly love. It’s called To Know Christ Jesus, and it is scriptural examination of the life of Christ. Guarenteed to help you know and love Jesus as you never have before.

Welcome to the family, and may God bless you.
The Faith Explained is one of the best books I’ve used.

Catholicism for Dummies is another good one. The title is rather ironic, in that this book certainly does not “dumb down” our faith!

Anything you order from the site in the links above will be good, reliable information on the Church and its teachings, as well as your personal spiritual growth.

Happy reading, and we look forward to your joining our Catholic family!

Karen Anne:
Read your BIBLE:D
More specifically, I’d suggest reading from begining to end at least one of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The Catechism fo the Catholic Church was also a great suggestion.
Once you begin digging in, you’ll probably find areas that attract you to learn more.
Personally, I love reading the lives of the Saints. Their lives show good examples of what Christianity can look like when it’s really lived well. I like the children’s books Saints for Young Readers for Every Day Vol I and II, which give a short description of one or two saints’ lives each day throughout the year. Reading about the saints inspires me to follow Jesus more closely.
This past year I was introduced to the Catholic faith and I have decided to take RCIA classes through my college Catholic campus ministry this fall. So if any of you have reconmendations for good books about the faith, that would be awesome! I want to learn as much as I can and the summer would be the perfect time! Thank you all, and I have already learned so much just from reading all of your posts.
Hey MBG04! http://bestsmileys.com/welcome/18.gif
One of the very best sources for anyone thinking about coming into the Catholic faith is the Catholic Home Study Service amm.org/chss/chss.htm which offers some EXCELLENT courses on all aspects of the faith FREE. There are no losers in the 7 courses that they offer and they will really equip you well for RCIA.

When my wife was in RCIA, our director of faith formation gave these the highest praise. I have to agree…I’ve completed them all and begged for more. 😃
Pax tecum,

Welcome home sister! I think it is awesome that you are going to go through the RCIA program.

I would agree with many others here - The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible.

Some other books that have helped me on my journey are:

Rome Sweet Home - Scott Hahn (anything Scott Hahn is good in my perspective! However, he does tend to get pretty deep).

Mass Appeal - Jimmy Akin

The Mystery We Proclaim (can’t remember the author)
“Catholic For a Reason” , which is edited by Scott Hahn and Leon Suprenaut is also very very good!
One really great book that I found on Amazon, which I cannot reccommend highly enough, not just to converts but to all Catholics is Why Do Catholics Do That? by Kevin Orlin Johnson.
I second Johnson’s book. I thought it was the best book on general Catholci practises and beleifs. It has everything form the version of the Bible we use, to role of private revelations (like those form apparitions of Mary), to role of the saints as intercessors, to use of incense at mass. So much information provided in short little chapters, that are very accessible, but provide essential theological references, like places in the catchechism, the development of use/practice over history, and biblical support.

I also love anything by Frank Sheed. His Theology and Sanity, gives the best explanation of the Trinity available anywhere. It is a great syntheis of how an accurate understanding of faith enhances people to make sounder decisions in any area of life.

And His to Know Christ Jesus is a great book about the message of the gospel that Jesus brings as understood by Catholics. It is written in a conversational tone, but synthesizes all of the stories in the gospel along a time line, and provides geographical details of what happened when, and the cutural and politicla climate of the time. I have read the New Testament many times, but only after reading Sheed’s book, did I better understand how it all fit together, which made it easier for me to remember.

Both of Sheed’s books are also available from Amazon.
👍 Thankyou all so much!!! I apreciate all of your help and will definately start reading right away!

God Bless you all!

I also wanted to thank those of you who recomended the Catholic Home Study Service, I think that will be very helpful for me and I am excited to get started!
Thank you all again!
Church Militant:
Hey MBG04! http://bestsmileys.com/welcome/18.gif
One of the very best sources for anyone thinking about coming into the Catholic faith is the Catholic Home Study Service amm.org/chss/chss.htm which offers some EXCELLENT courses on all aspects of the faith FREE. There are no losers in the 7 courses that they offer and they will really equip you well for RCIA.

When my wife was in RCIA, our director of faith formation gave these the highest praise. I have to agree…I’ve completed them all and begged for more. 😃
Pax tecum,
Michael, thanks for the link above. I plan on enrolling and taking the courses. How wonderful!! Can’t wait to start.
Work though the CCC. It’s WONDERFUL!!!

God bless and welcome home!


Welcome home. I don’t think I can add any new books for you to peruse at this point. What have been suggested will probably keep you busy all summer making trips to the public library.

However, I would caution you to make sure you have a Catholic bible. You may not be aware that the Protestant bible is different because Luther deducted nine books and added one new book.

When I’m buying a new bible I look for 1 & 2 Maccabees books (Old Testament) if it doesn’t say Catholic in the title (some don’t like Douay-Rheims version).

Keep the faith!

Another thing to get is the Catholic Answer bible. Its not bad. It had lil explanations and biblical references and references to the catechism in it. Its an NAB translation, but its not bad.
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