What are some good books for someone new to the faith?

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Lance Bantz:

Welcome home. I don’t think I can add any new books for you to peruse at this point. What have been suggested will probably keep you busy all summer making trips to the public library.

However, I would caution you to make sure you have a Catholic bible. You may not be aware that the Protestant bible is different because Luther deducted nine books and added one new book.

When I’m buying a new bible I look for 1 & 2 Maccabees books (Old Testament) if it doesn’t say Catholic in the title (some don’t like Douay-Rheims version).

Keep the faith!

Thanks for the advice! I was actually blessed with a good friend who is a devoted Catholic and he bought me a Catholic bible and I have started reading it every night. He gave me a lot of other information too, which was great of him.

Thanks again,
I would agree with all the above and add a little more.

“Pathways in Scripture: A Book by Book Guide to the Spiritual Riches of the Bible”

“A Father Who Keeps His Promises” Scott Hahn

“Understanding the Scriptures”…This is a new high school level text book by Scott Hahn that is only available so far through contacting the website www.salvationhistory.com.

Finally, the above mentioned website also includes free online courses.

If you can get through everything that has been suggested in this thread, you will have more knowledge than most cradle Catholics.

God bless you.
Upon this Rock by Stephen K. Ray shows writings of the Early Church Fathers that show the power of Rome over the other Churches and the Bishop of Rome’s authority.

Catholicism and Fundamentalism by Karl Keating shows why we believe what we believe, and refutes common arguments against them. Most of the tracts at www.catholic.com are from this book. It doesn’t have quotes from the Early Church Fathers, though.
This past year I was introduced to the Catholic faith and I have decided to take RCIA classes through my college Catholic campus ministry this fall. So if any of you have reconmendations for good books about the faith, that would be awesome! I want to learn as much as I can and the summer would be the perfect time! Thank you all, and I have already learned so much just from reading all of your posts.
First of all, congratulations! What great news.

As for book recommendations, there are a few which no Catholic should be without:

The Ignatius Bible, which is now going into a study edition with commentary and notes by Scott Hahn.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Obvious, I know.

Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed. Available by Ignatius Press and probably one of the finest books on Catholic theology by and for a layman. You can actually understand the Trinity after reading this!

Bible Basics by Steve Kellmeyer. The best source for the Biblical foundations of Catholic doctrine. Kellmeyer covers something like 72 teachings of the Church from a purely Scriptural view point. Excellent!

Gray Mouser
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