Self defense, especially defending others, is an act of love. I agree.There’s a lot of different forms of taking a life and while there’s many we’d all agree on, e.g. murder being wrong, what about self-defense?
That’s a pacifist point of view. Of course, one should avoid war altogether in favor of other solutions. But it makes rational sense that there is such a thing as a “just-war”, that is if you love yourself and the well-being of your fellow countrymen. It’s self defense. I just don’t think there has been many “just wars”, and i wouldn’t like to fight for a country that has intentionally started wars for the sake of power or greed. So i wouldn’t fight for a war i didn’t morally agree with because it would be against my religion.What about killing in a war? Though small there are Christian sects as well as members of other religions which don’t think they should serve in war because it would be taking life.
Only in self defense in my opinion. In principle i don’t believe in eye for an eye. Life is sacred, and i think a pro-life approach to things really doesn’t make sense if you are willing to shed blood in vengeance. As a matter of prudence i would not want to make the mistake of giving the death penalty thinking that the lord who is love has given me that right. I would avoid it unless absolutely necessary…Even if someone could make the case that such and such is deserving of death, i would argue that such a case is an opportunity for mercy.Death penalty? Obviously a lot of opinions on both sides from every aspect of society on that one.
Human Life is sacred, and it doesn’t cease to be when we suffer. That’s a hard lesson that none of us would like to learn. If we look at it in purely emotional terms then certainly we would rather our loved ones died immediately rather than suffer until their eventual death.What about allowing someone to pass away by removing life support?
There is an act of compassion involved in ending somebodies suffering. But when it comes to taking a life that is sacred, the idea that you are loving them by killing them is ultimately flawed as such an act fails to uphold the fact that a persons life is sacred no matter what condition they are in.Could prematurely ending someone’s life ever be an act of compassion and love if the suffering was great enough and the hope of reprieve small enough?
If i lost my arms and legs, and was in constant pain for the rest of my life, i would not want to live, but that would not change the fact that my life has objectively value, and everything we do and every choice we make ought to reflect that value.
Reasoning about what is right or wrong can get very complicated and difficult. We can think we are right when we are wrong. We can only pray for understanding and meditate on church teaching.the simplest beginnings can lead to the most complex results.
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