The problem I have with my nephew is, I hate to admit it, but his IQ soars above mine. He can out-talk me 100 to 1. However, his common sense is lacking in several areas so I don’t let this get me down.See, all the people I know who view logic or math as their supreme truth tend to Bellevue some of the most illogical things, such as the self refuting position that everything is relative, and there are no absolutes. The issue is that they’ve just asserted, absolutely, that there are no absolutes. You might try asking your nephews why math works. There’s no way to empirically explain why math works, but people use it as the basis for all other empirical study…
He makes me think and although I can often see the fallacy of his arguments, I have a difficult time articulating mine. This is not a bad thing because it forces me to study. We have a great deal of respect for each other and when our discussions become heated, we both back away.
I like the statement, “There is no way to empirically explain why math works, but people use it as a basis for all other empirical study…”