My 30 y/o neice has 6 y/o twins. One of them has severe spinae bifada. They were born 2 months premature and remained hospitalized for 2 mo. before they went home. The one with spinae bifada (congenital spinal cord disease) had 3 major surgeries in 3 years under general anaesthesia–with more to **** follow!!! By God’s grace, this child, these children have led happy little lives due to two loving and devoted parents, my neice and her husband. Their struggles are constant and complicated. My neice posed this question: “what if embryonic stem cell research can positively affect Cindy’s spina bifada disease and improve the quality of her life?” My answer to her was, “I don’t believe that.” The discussion ended with that. Is there any documentation regarding the specifics of this question that could help me and my neice understand this more clearly?
Unfortunately, what my neice was also saying was that she was determined to vote for Mr. Kerry. Her position certainly targets what is best for her daughter. Thanks in advance, Cecilia
Unfortunately, what my neice was also saying was that she was determined to vote for Mr. Kerry. Her position certainly targets what is best for her daughter. Thanks in advance, Cecilia