Help me out here. Why is a round of cell division after fertilization required before the cell is a unique individual? What am I missing?
Immediately upon fertilization the haploid sperm and the haploid egg combine to create a diploid fertilized egg, before the first cell division even occurs (or is my degree in Biochem and my genetics research background so rusty I’m forgetting even the basics?).
Anyways, as I recall it, immediately upon fertilization you have everything it takes to uniquely identify a new individual human life. God has allowed the start of a new person, a new life has begun and we believe that all people are given the inalienable right to life.
Seems like this includes babies, regardless of how young, or how small, or how different they look from an adult human being, or how dependant they are on their mother and her womb. If dependence is what determines our right to life, how “inalienable” is that? Oh yeah, that’s also open to debate, consider euthanasia.
Argh, we’re on the slippery slope here.
And as to the topic of the Thread…
Adult Stem Cell research has born much fruit on the therapeutic front. The same cannot be said of Embryonic Stem Cell, despite the disproportionate amount of money spent on Embryonic Cell line research. The thing about Embryonic Cells is that these cell lines can be patented, hence making them of great interest to the bio-engineering investors desiring to make a buck. Adult cell lines are neither patentable nor have the likely potential of developing into “immortal” cell lines that are theoretically possible with Embryonic Stem Cells.
It looks to me like God is showing us which way to run our research, and yet due to greed, many continue to insist on pursuing the Fetal Cells.
Please read the Catholic Answers Voters Guide and ask that everyone vote against Fetal Stem Cell Research. The Catholic Church is NOT against the advancement of Science. Heck, it is the Catholic Church which has brought us such advances as the University System, and the elementary school system, with students taught on a grade level basis. The Vatican has had an observatory for centuries.