What are time slips?

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I was rude! I removed the post. I submitted the topic because I find it fascinating that people experience these phenomenon. I don’t doubt time slips happen. I was just curious from a theological point of view what they mean.
I was rude! I removed the post. I submitted the topic because I find it fascinating that people experience these phenomenon. I don’t doubt time slips happen. I was just curious from a theological point of view what they mean.
IF they happen (which I seriously doubt), I am not sure I see the theological connection. Catholics generally believe God to be outside of the time stream (and omnipotent) so I see no bar to God creating or allowing time travel. Why would He, why would He not - seems pretty speculative.

Do you believe that time slips are miraculous events? If not, what theological nexus do you see?
I think they may be real and further proof that we are connected through time and space. It would provide further proof of the Communion of Saints, Life after Death, the existence of the spirit world, all sorts of things. Of course, we’d have to be very careful not to delve too deeply for fear of opening doorways best left closed.
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The most famous one at Versailles I tend to believe. These were rational academics, not prone to fancy or superstition. They were on holiday. Each reported seeing people, not actors or performers dressed in 18th century garb. They said the scene was flat, very still. It’s fascinating. They returned to England and never recanted the story. I think it was a dimensional rift they momentarily entered.
In the link you gave, they have changed their story a few times.
Read the story . You will see where it says ‘they changed their story’ and describes what they changed.
These are women in the early 20th century. Who knows what is hallucination, what drugs or alcohol they were on, what their level of exhaustion was and what fanciful popular media was in operation at the time.

None of your links are anything but popular culture…and makes good Hollywood sci fi.
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