I have served for years as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, which I do enjoy, but in the past 2 years I have become the main Sacristan for our Saturday Vigil Mass, which is heavily attended by our elderly and handicapped members since it is held at our Parish Center, which is accessible by wheelchair or walker. I am a retired Nurse and widowed for almost 5 years, and have found this work as Sacristan to be one of the most rewarding I have done. I also wash and iron the Purificators and other Altar linens (except the large linen cloths covering the Altar itself, which goes to the cleaners at the end of each Liturgical season, or as needed – it’s too large for me to iron properly).
I had been a Sacristan during a few years spent as a Postulant and Novice in a Convent, and enjoyed it. Now I get to do it again, and still find it most rewarding. I get to greet and assist our handicapped, help them to the front comfortable armchairs we have placed in the front left of the Center’s Chapel, and otherwise feel close to them. Having been a Nurse in both Geriatrics and Hospice, I especially enjoy this work with our elderly and handicapped.
Serving as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at the Vigil Masses is also a special blessing. The occasional Saturday evening when I don’t have to serve as an EMHC and only need to set up the Altar and take everything down and put them away (Chalices, etc.) afterward and able to sit and enjoy the Mass and concentrate only on the Mass without needing to serve for Communion becomes very special, since I am usually serving. We really need more Ushers and EMHC’s, there are never enough. Same is true of Mass Servers, children or adults, since we only have 3 – 1 adult and 2 children. I took the training as a Server as well, in case no one else comes able to serve. Have only Served once but that was truly a special blessing! Consider one of these ministries, since there are never enough, especially during holidays and summer vacations. If I can do these things as a handicapped 74 years old, almost anyone can!