What are you struggling with right now?

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Wishing you the best with your essay. God bless you in all things, including your studies and assignments.

(Nothng at present. by the way. I’ve finshed anything that was essential for today)
Relationship issues.Warm weather and feeling lathargic .I hope you regain foccus 🙏
That can be tough. I love to write, but I have pretty severe back pain at times, and I can’t type because my computer isn’t working. Not to mention, I also prefer to write with pen. I’ve written many an essay. Given that most of the grades were As and Bs, at least in college, I think it may have been worth it. Hopefully you can get your thought process working. Those grades were not easy to get.
I would say that we are here for you but that would just further your addiction.

So, we are not here for you. Tough love, man.
Deepest sympathy! I assume you’re on antivirals? I’ve never had chicken pox 😐
Which kind? Did you get the shingles vaccine?

Hope you feel better soon, Jeanne_S.

DON’T SCRATCH!!! And regardless of where the shingles are, keep your hands away from your eyes.
Thanks all for your kind wishes.Yes I finished an antiviral a few days ago.It really help stem the severity of the rash.It’s on my hip area and I am dealing with the nerve pain ,pretty much just walk around my house all day because sitting down is too uncomfortable.Imwill get the vaccine after the first of the year to hopefully prevent an recurrences.
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Form a grand intention “for the work” in a short prayer with God.

Father, I intend to offer you this essay well done for my cousin Mary who has leukemia…(whatever your intention…offer the work for someone else as an act of unselfishness).

then as you struggle talk with God…“help me to focus…I want to offer you this but it’s hard…let me spiritually walk with Jesus as He carries the Cross…”

A bit of chattering prayer will sweeten the work. I promise it will.
I’ll propose mental games for myself, just to keep the old processor in tune.

Right now, I have been struggling with identifying the characteristics of a vacuum tube that is energized by emitted positrons in addition to the standard type that operates on emitted electrons.

This gives complementary devices similar to solid state technology. Since the masses are equal, in principle, you can get true complements. So does one work towards enhancement devices or depletion devices? How does one tailor the fields so as to break the 3/2 law? Can you really overcome the “island effect”?

I know, nutty old lady.

Just couldn’t resist, though, given the thread title.

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