What are you thankful to God for today?

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For sunshine and the sheer beauty of sky and ocean in the remote jsland I live on. That I was able to sit out with my handwork today. Gazing at the impossible beauty.

That I was enabled to cope with the toughest and most draining job; dealing with a fortnightly full shopping delivery by ferry. The CFS/ .ME is in glorious technicolour 3D ( !) so I am really struggling more and more and was dreading that task. That I have food stocks in for myself and my 6 rescue cats for two weeks, even a chocolate cake for my birthday next week. For my bed. Oh yes for my bed, Most of all for my bed.
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Sorry but someone here has so upset me and I am so ill now I have to sign out… Just too much. too old for forums clearly. Can haddely seer for ters.
  • First confession in 3½ months
  • A place reserved for me at one of this weekend’s Masses, guaranteeing I will be able to receive Communion on the last day of the Easter season. (At least I hope so. Nothing was said about the Eucharist not being distributed…)
Thank you, Lord :pray:t3:
Thank you. It’s awesome not to have all those heavy chains of committed sin to carry around anymore.

While I imagine no one is being held to the Easter duty during the Easter season this year, I’m happy to (hopefully) be able to fulfill it anyway. (We don’t have the US indult that allows this obligation to be satisfied during Lent, and there was no public Mass from March 15th through May 23rd.)
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I thank God for saving me from Hell. I was headed there, but God was merciful to me. I have no reason to boast about my salvation – it’s only because of Him.
I am grateful my cat has an infection not kidney failure.
I am also grateful to God for showing me that it is the little things in life is what gives great joy. A smile a kind heart gentle breezes and the beauty of nature. To be able to see The Holy Ghost inside of even the most horrid people. The horridness is just thier shell of protection.
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Im thankful today for feeling im starting to get adjusted to the death of my husband of 44 yrs. My mind has been remembering all of the years and struggling with sentimental emotions and horrified of realizing there is never going to be another time I speak to him in this life. Then today I got the thought that I have to remember, this is Gods plan and I am thankful for my faith in God who has steered me all these years and I will not worry or fret about the past but trust that God has plans for my future and always has.
I’m thankful attendance at a church meeting was good as we discussed preparations for mass. I’m also thankful my nephew is doing well after receiving his new kidney.
All the photos and videos I received yesterday, of my dad’s funeral. I was not able to attend because of travel bans due to COVID-19 so these images are precious to me.
I’m thankful we’ve come to an agreement with the sellers of the home we’re buying over items found in the inspection. My son and his family will have a home when they move here in July! Thank you, my Lord!
I’m moving into a condo. I know this sounds crazy but I’m going to miss my clothesline, garage and the porch. :cry: Most of all, I will miss my neighbors. 😭 +Mom and I were blessed with good neighbors. Example: During Hurricane Sandy when we had no power for a week, they brought us soup and coffee.
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Thanks. I broke down and cried this morning. My sister, BIL (great guy btw), and one of my nieces helped move some things this morning.

I’m so exhausted but have to do more before Sunday.

Thank you for your prayers - I need every one of them!
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Thank you Lord for another day. For Your Strength to help us get through difficult times.
I thank God for nature. I live near a forest and I sometimes go there to pray or meditate. Nature is beautiful.
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