What are your thoughts on "Pastor" Steven Anderson?

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I’ve seen some of his videos on YouTube. He’s no friend of Catholicism, but I guess Catholics feel the same towards independent fundamentalist Baptists.

I would not call him a “hate preacher,” though he sure does use hateful language about homosexuals. Those more theatrical and sensationalistic moments get all the press, excerpted and reposted, but most of his sermons are straightforward biblical exposition.

Anderson isn’t warmly received by many fellow fundamentalists because he doesn’t believe repentance is necessary for salvation. He considers that a “work,” and contrary to salvation by grace alone.

Anderson sparked a movement among fundamental Baptists that was dubbed the New Independent Fundamental Baptists (NIFB). A number of growing churches have sprung up under his influence in California, Texas, and Florida.

Anderson is a force to be reckoned with, and can’t be dismissed lightly. Protestant apologist James White keeps challenging and criticizing (and mocking, as White is wont to do) Anderson, but Anderson’s star keeps shining brighter while White’s is dimming (especially as he’s been reduced to playing elder sidekick and mentor to the young and hip Jeff Durbin).
The moment I note that someone thinks that “Pastor” is part of his name, my eyes gloss, and I move on . . . there’s a huge difference between someone referring to you that way, and asserting it yourself . .
It is not the common practice to start posts simply to say unkind things about a person.

We may disagree with the teachings of this man, may not like his style or his methods, however, we love him as a child of God who is created in the image of God.
I agree. Especially when it is your first post to Catholic Answers. Something is fishy here.
He says some crazy things from time to time, but overall I would say that I like him. Some preachers these days are afraid to preach on certain topics, but he is not afraid to preach on controversial topics.
I wanted to know what Catholics think about him. FISHY FISH
Guy has no idea what the word “Vain” means. Jesus never forbade repetitions. He forbade VAIN repetitions.
Check out this youtube video.
“Steven Anderson, Pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church angrily calling protesters faggots.”
It shows his sermon about Loving against his own hatred towards a group of people on the street
Annie, please. I as a person who is interested in a certain topic ie. “Pastor” Anderson, acted as a normal human being (taking interest in other people’s opinions)
Why are you interested in him? You said he was a hate preacher–so why pay attention to him, which often means giving someone undeserved hits?

And why would Catholics have an opinion on one of thousands of non-Catholic preachers?
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