What are your views on raising a child on your own at the age of 19

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What are your views on having a child outside of marrige and if the father wanted the baby to be aborted then would he go to hell(please pray for this cause)
What are your views on having a child outside of marrige and if the father wanted the baby to be aborted then would he go to hell(please pray for this cause)
Well since you asked,🙂 my view is it’s not an ideal situation, but it’s better for a single mum to have her baby, than a self righteous married woman to abort.

If the man in person put the girl under so much pressure to abort that she carried it out, then yes his soul would be in danger if he didn’t repent.

I had to fight to have my first grandchild born as my son is Catholic and his girlfriend was Protestant and in Northern Ireland with so much hate the last thing her parents wanted was their daughter having a baby to a Catholic.

So now the child is at school and her other grand-parents have more or less taken over, but I see her a few times a week, and it doesn’t matter as long as she is alive.
Where there’s life there’s hope, where there’s no life there’s no hope IMHO.

Anyway who-ever your talking about, they need support, not condemanation.
What are your views on having a child outside of marrige
Versus what?



I was just a year older when I became pregnant- out of wedlock.

The man who helped make my baby abandoned us. He would not have cared if I would have had an abortion, nor would he have cared if I gave the baby up for adoption.

I decided to keep my baby and raise her myself. I was living next door to my parents and she would grow up with the example of a married, intact household. She has my 2 brothers and my father who provide her male role models and father figures. (They’re not a dad, but they’re best I could provide for her after my bad choices.)

I still put my own independence secondary to the fact that my daughter needs a good family example. She goes to Catholic school and we are a Faithful family. I swallow my pride A LOT to make sure our family is a good example to her.

If I were alone or far from home with limited connection to family, or if I had a family that was broken, I would have put her up for adoption.
and if the father wanted the baby to be aborted then would he go to hell(please pray for this cause)
We are not allowed to speculate on the state of another’s soul. But wishing anyone to be dead or planning another’s death, certainly isn’t on God’s good list.

I pray that the man in question removes himself from the picture or has a change of heart, for the sake of the mother and their baby.

Dear friend

It’s the sex outside of marriage that is the sin not having a child outside of marriage. For centuries this stupidity of mis-placing the sin has gone on and most of the hatred directed towards the mother and the child, while the father appears to get off scot free. This mentality is the greatest encourager of abortions.

Any woman who enters into the act of sex outside of marriage and becomes pregnant should not then punish that child and the whole family by killing the child. The child should always be born God -willing.

Rather than pondering the sin of sex outside of marriage now that the horse has bolted the stable, the people who know this young woman should provide every support for her and her unborn child instead of pontificating as though they themselves are free of sin and as though Jesus does not forgive and absolve in the confessional.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


For a start it is a sin to have sexual intercourse outside marriage.
Second if a baby is created then it should be brought up.

The father is a coward for suggesting abortion, and is committing a grave sin.

God decides on the punishment, so we cannot say what happens after a soul departs from this world.

God Bless
Saint Andrew.
This is an interesting question - as if so much is being asked in so little words.

I was 17 and got pregnant. Thankfully, even my bare-bones Catholic upbringing prevented me from choosing abortion. The father did want that as it was okay in his mind and I won’t go into what else was said or hoped for.

I raised my son for 7 years alone until I met the man I would marry, and while it hasn’t been peaches and cream, it certainly was worth it to have my son and go on with life as best I could.

You’re asking this question on the Moral Theology board, which implies (or we can infer) that you are asking about the morals of raising a child alone.

While it is certainly in everyone’s best interest that a child be raised in a family with a mother and father, often our choices in life do not provide for the best scenario. I agree with Springbreeze in her comments.

We should pray for everyone in situations like this, including the fathers who do not realize the depth of their ignorance. We should show love and support, because it is by Christ’s love that they and we can find forgiveness for our bad decisions and grace to continue on in life.

Reading these posts kind of saddens me.

I truly admire you strong women, who left abandoned during pregnancy at such young ages decided on life. I’m sure you all feel it’s the best decision you ever made.

What I can’t figure out is what is wrong with the men in our culture. I personally have made a few mistakes of my own, never got anyone pregnant, but I don’t understand how these men can live with themselves leaving someone in such a situation. That to me is cowardly to not stand responsible for ones actions. Leaving a woman after you’ve gotten her pregnant seems to me to be the most unmanly thing someone could do, but I guess our culture treats weakness as strength.

As for you ladies who had your children without the help of a father, you are the true feminists. Instead of cowering in the face of adversity, you stood up to it, which is a testament to your character.

Feminists today say, “have premarital relations, that makes you free, if you get pregnant, abort, that makes you courageous,”(actually the free sex attitude and the denial of fertility makes a woman more masculine in my eyes) but if you ask me it’s more courageous to face the adversity of raising a child alone. I truly pity the men who abandoned you.

All that said, having a baby out of wedlock is not ideal and I wouldn’t recommend it, but we all know things happen since we aren’t perfect and life is the greatest of God’s gifts. So my response to the original question is I don’t commend out of wedlock birth, but if a child is conceived, having it is the only option. As for a man pressuring a woman to have an abortion, that man is either very misguided or a coward, but needs our prayers.
Reading these posts kind of saddens me.

I truly admire you strong women, who left abandoned during pregnancy at such young ages decided on life. I’m sure you all feel it’s the best decision you ever made.

What I can’t figure out is what is wrong with the men in our culture. I personally have made a few mistakes of my own, never got anyone pregnant, but I don’t understand how these men can live with themselves leaving someone in such a situation. That to me is cowardly to not stand responsible for ones actions. Leaving a woman after you’ve gotten her pregnant seems to me to be the most unmanly thing someone could do, but I guess our culture treats weakness as strength.

As for you ladies who had your children without the help of a father, you are the true feminists. Instead of cowering in the face of adversity, you stood up to it, which is a testament to your character.

Feminists today say, “have premarital relations, that makes you free, if you get pregnant, abort, that makes you courageous,”(actually the free sex attitude and the denial of fertility makes a woman more masculine in my eyes) but if you ask me it’s more courageous to face the adversity of raising a child alone. I truly pity the men who abandoned you.

All that said, having a baby out of wedlock is not ideal and I wouldn’t recommend it, but we all know things happen since we aren’t perfect and life is the greatest of God’s gifts. So my response to the original question is I don’t commend out of wedlock birth, but if a child is conceived, having it is the only option. As for a man pressuring a woman to have an abortion, that man is either very misguided or a coward, but needs our prayers.

No matter what anyone has done we should never pray that they go to eternal damnation. Such a wish is a statement of judgement on another soul and that is not our right to make such a judgement.

Remember, by what ever measure we judge others, that will be used to judge us. And if we are not merciful, God will NOT show mercy
towards us.

You must allow the baby to have a chance at life. If you can take care of the baby yourself, please tey to do so. Seek help from family members, friends etc. The joy of motherhood can not be overstated. children are God’s gift to us and we must treat every life a precious as God does.

If you can not provide for the baby and there is no family support, please at least put the child up for adoption. Every life lost is a great human tradgedy.

It is a chance lost for your baby to bring great joy into someone’s life (even if it not yourself), and it is a chance lost for your baby to grow up and become a productive member of society and pursue happiness for him/her self.

Every life is precious and has great promise, if my parents had decided to stop at 8, I would not be here.

Chrits’s Peace.
It looks like I will be the lone voice voting for adoption over raising the child as a single parent.


Because the best interests of the child need to come first. Children do best in an intact home (married man and woman). If I was single and made the mistake of having intercourse and that led to pregnancy, I would want what is best for my child.

It would be the toughest decision of my life. But all of the reasons for keeping the baby and raising it myself would be self-serving, in my opinion. It would be all about how hard it would be on me to give up my baby, how guilty* Iwould feel, how sad** I*** would be… you get the picture.

I don’t believe enough credit is given to all of those courageous young women who give their babies to a loving two-parent home so that they can have the best shot at life.

The emphasis is placed on women who choose life over death. (certainly a very important emphasis). But the women who choose a better life for their child are forgotten.

Now, this is in no way a put down to those moms who chose to keep their babies and raise them on their own or with the help of their families. That is certainly better than killing them!!! I acknowledge the extreme sacrifice and love it takes to be a single parent, but I think that putting a child up for adoption is the ultimate self-sacrifice for the good of the child.

Well, actually the best choice would be to marry the father of the child and provide a stable home life (but that obviously takes two and is not likely or recommended in the OP’s scenario).

just my two cents

Feanaro's Wife:
It looks like I will be the lone voice voting for adoption over raising the child as a single parent.


Because the best interests of the child need to come first. Children do best in an intact home (married man and woman).
Dear friend

I read about five sentences of your post and stopped reading at that point because your opinion of single parentage has no real concept of how selfless a single parent has to be. It is not about ME at all, as a single parent I sacrifice everything.

Studies have shown that is better to keep a child within their natural birth parents loving home whether that is with mother and father or simply one of those parents. Psychologically and for the benefit of knowing one’s identity. This statement I have made doesn’t detract from all of the very generous people who do adopt children who are not wanted or removed from their birth parents and provide good and loving homes for them.

Perhaps I see this post quoted above as pontificating. You do not know what it is to raise a child by yourself, the joys and the hardships.

I provide for my child and she lacks for nothing. Love is abundent and that is the main priority. If you think she needs designer gear and mum to drive a fast car, then that would be basing family life on all of the wrong things. She attends a Catholic school where she receives the best education. She is raised in the faith.

Your view point has every parent raising children alone as incapable. I would say I and other single parents are very capable. No it is not how it should be, my daughter should have a father who is interested in her existance but he isn’t, however I love her and am besotted with her existance. As a mother I am not about to turn my back on my child now or in the future for any reason. God gifted her into my womb, He made me her mother and she my daughter. I have a responsibility to her and to God to be the good mother, to give selflessly without keeping account of what I give. God will not examine my motherhood on what I was able to provide materially, if that was the case, most of the world would be condemned. God will examine my motherhood on love. Do I love her by keeping her warm, fed, comfortable in body soul and mind. Do I love her , give and show love? Do I spend time with her, let her know her dignity as a human being in Christ Jesus? Do I tell her she has a Heavenl;y Father who loves her prefectly? Does she know that she is a beautiful gift from God, did I lead her to God from an early age and keep the faith with her? Did I forgive her quickly for all of her mistakes and sins and forget them quickly, did I tell her why what she did was against God’s will and wrong/hurtful etc? Did I do and consider for her in all of my actions? In short do I entirely love her? That will be the examination.

If you find yourself widowed, should you have all of your children adopted? One in three marriages end in divorce. People live in gravely unhappy marriages and that has an even more adverse effect on children than you can imagine. Should all these people give up their children to the people who are blessed enough to have a successful and happy marriage and are not left ‘holding the baby’? Such ideas to me are more than flawed, they are prejudiced and spawn contempt for those who love and sacrifice without regret and happily for their children.

Maybe you would like to find an organisation that aids single parents and get to know and help a few of them.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I totally agree with Shiann. This whole issue is not about the pre-marital sin. That has already been committed and there is nothing that can be done to change that except ask for forgiveness and try to do what’s right from now on.

It is not a sin to be pregnant, I can not stress that enough. That is a very chauvinistic attitude to think so, and it is not a sin to raise a child alone. It may not be the ideal situation, but every action has consequences and you do the best with what you got. Adoption is an option but that is completely dependant on the situation as to if it is the best thing for the child. I personally would never choose it as I know many great people who were raised by thier moms, it just takes a little extra hard work and, as was mentioned here before, making sure the child does have positive male role models in thier life.

Now, as for the guy. The fact is that men are little boys. I know VERY FEW men, if any, who are ADULTS. This man is a little boy who wants to have his fun and then run away from his chores. You should pray for him and stay away from him. He may change in time, and he may not.

But abortion is WRONG. Even if you love a guy he is NEVER worth killing your child over. I love my husband to death, we’ve been married nearly 2 years, but if he asked me to abort a baby I would be out of here so fast the door would hit the wall.

P.S. Please work on your grammar. That is a major pet peeve and people will assume you are stupid if you can’t type correctly.
Feanaro's Wife:
It looks like I will be the lone voice voting for adoption over raising the child as a single parent.
I also took a bit of an affront to this statement.
If I were alone or far from home with limited connection to family, or if I had a family that was broken, I would have put her up for adoption.
I too would rather see a child adopted out before they are suffled off to grandparents or daycares or neighbors while the mother (or father) is busy getting on with life.

The key to successful single parenting- and dual parenting for that matter, is self sacrifice. We all know of married couples who would are rather selfish parents too- and who produce less than stellar children.
Because the best interests of the child need to come first. Children do best in an intact home (married man and woman). If I was single and made the mistake of having intercourse and that led to pregnancy, I would want what is best for my child.

This is very true. There are many women out there who are unable or unwilling to dedicate their lives to parenting their children. They are more interested in finding husbands or boyfriends, or having a good time. Their son’s and daughters are in the care of friends, relatives, or with near strangers while mom or dad find satisfaction.

This is not the case with all single parents.

I will agree the best case scenerio statistically speaking IS a dual parent household. But that does not mean that there are not successful single parent households.
It would be the toughest decision of my life. But all of the reasons for keeping the baby and raising it myself would be self-serving, in my opinion. It would be all about how hard it would be on me
to give up my baby, how guilty* Iwould feel, how sad** I*** would be… you get the picture.

The key phrase here is “in your opinion”. I could offer these very words in support of my decision to keep my child and raise her. It truly WAS the toughest decision of my life. I would have hurt more people than myself had I chosen for her to be adopted. I had an entire family who would have never known this precious child- who would have loved her and had relationships with her. And who I would have hurt to their core by giving her up.

She would have had another family who loved her as much or more- NO DOUBT, but I had the complete support of my entire family in all of this AND I was willing to forego my own wishes for independence and advancement and relationships to provide her with the stability and familial structure that she would have had with a married couple.

I completely understand your point, and would agree with you in most cases.

I don’t believe enough credit is given to all of those courageous young women who give their babies to a loving two-parent home so that they can have the best shot at life.
The emphasis is placed on women who choose life over death. (certainly a very important emphasis). But the women who choose a better life for their child are forgotten.

I do not forget those courageous women who gave their children a life they didn’t think they could provide themselves. It takes great knowledge of self and great humbleness to know that no matter what they did, they couldn’t give their babies the life they could have with an intact family.
Now, this is in no way a put down to those moms who chose to keep their babies and raise them on their own or with the help of their families. That is certainly better than killing them!!!
I concur, and would add that in some cases single mom’s and their supportive families can provide the necessary stability and encouragement to raise a child to a healthy, productive and Faithfull adult- as well as an adoptive family.
I acknowledge the extreme sacrifice and love it takes to be a single parent, but I think that putting a child up for adoption is the ultimate self-sacrifice for the good of the child.
It is one expression of self-sacrifice. I believe the ultimate would be to die for your child.
Well, actually the best choice would be to marry the father of the child and provide a stable home life (but that obviously takes two and is not likely or recommended in the OP’s scenario).
just my two cents


Malia- you have many wonderfull points, and you are right when you advocate adoption. I myself encourage young, unmarried, pregnant women to consider adoption. And maybe my proximity to this issue has my emotions on a hair trigger. But I would agree with springbreeze.

Blessings to you.
Dear friend

I read about five sentences of your post and stopped reading at that point because your opinion of single parentage has no real concept of how selfless a single parent has to be. It is not about ME at all, as a single parent I sacrifice everything.

Studies have shown that is better to keep a child within their natural birth parents loving home whether that is with mother and father or simply one of those parents. Psychologically and for the benefit of knowing one’s identity. This statement I have made doesn’t detract from all of the very generous people who do adopt children who are not wanted or removed from their birth parents and provide good and loving homes for them.

Perhaps I see this post quoted above as pontificating. You do not know what it is to raise a child by yourself, the joys and the hardships.

I provide for my child and she lacks for nothing. Love is abundent and that is the main priority. If you think she needs designer gear and mum to drive a fast car, then that would be basing family life on all of the wrong things. She attends a Catholic school where she receives the best education. She is raised in the faith.

Your view point has every parent raising children alone as incapable. I would say I and other single parents are very capable. No it is not how it should be, my daughter should have a father who is interested in her existance but he isn’t, however I love her and am besotted with her existance. As a mother I am not about to turn my back on my child now or in the future for any reason. God gifted her into my womb, He made me her mother and she my daughter. I have a responsibility to her and to God to be the good mother, to give selflessly without keeping account of what I give. God will not examine my motherhood on what I was able to provide materially, if that was the case, most of the world would be condemned. God will examine my motherhood on love. Do I love her by keeping her warm, fed, comfortable in body soul and mind. Do I love her , give and show love? Do I spend time with her, let her know her dignity as a human being in Christ Jesus? Do I tell her she has a Heavenl;y Father who loves her prefectly? Does she know that she is a beautiful gift from God, did I lead her to God from an early age and keep the faith with her? Did I forgive her quickly for all of her mistakes and sins and forget them quickly, did I tell her why what she did was against God’s will and wrong/hurtful etc? Did I do and consider for her in all of my actions? In short do I entirely love her? That will be the examination.

If you find yourself widowed, should you have all of your children adopted? One in three marriages end in divorce. People live in gravely unhappy marriages and that has an even more adverse effect on children than you can imagine. Should all these people give up their children to the people who are blessed enough to have a successful and happy marriage and are not left ‘holding the baby’? Such ideas to me are more than flawed, they are prejudiced and spawn contempt for those who love and sacrifice without regret and happily for their children.

Maybe you would like to find an organisation that aids single parents and get to know and help a few of them.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Very well said Teresa, God Bless you and all other single parents out there doing their very best for their children. I agree with you.
Malia- you have many wonderfull points, and you are right when you advocate adoption. I myself encourage young, unmarried, pregnant women to consider adoption. And maybe my proximity to this issue has my emotions on a hair trigger. But I would agree with springbreeze.

Blessings to you.
Dear Shiann

God Bless you for keeping the child God gifted to you.

Children are not comodities to give away. We cannot say, we have a child, it is difficult to embark on this, I cannot face this alone, I will give up before I have tried and before I even allow myself to trust that God will provide for my child and myself. There is an absolute trust in God’s Providence in accepting the Will He has for each person in their life. To be in this position either by sin or by the lack of support of the father/mother of the child is not an instant defeat. It is in all things of adversity that God shows His might. He will look upon the lowly and exalt them, He will look to the sinner and restore them. It is a matter of trusting in God’s Providence and knowing that despite all surrounding seeming difficulty, that His burden is light and what appears as difficulty is really the crowning glory of His Will for salvation.

It is not ever over until we draw our last breath. In all things we are made new and exalted if we join our will with God’s Will. I have seen this many times in my own life and that of others.

That is the crux, LIFE. Life is never hopeless, it is full of recreation and it is full of possibility even when it may not appear so, as satan would love to make life seem a hopeless battle…how far from it we are in Christ Jesus, everything in Him is full of hope. That dark night no longer exists, that anticipation of the Messiah is no longer, the Kingdom of Heaven is here and joy abounds in Love.

The sinner is no longer dead but ressurrected repeatedly in Christ Jesus, we have the opportunity to restart over and over and remain faithful to this rebirth everyday in Him.

God Bless you and your child and much love and peace to you both

What are your views on having a child outside of marrige and if the father wanted the baby to be aborted then would he go to hell(please pray for this cause)
I’d have a different comment if you said 14 or 15. If a woman is pregnant and wants to raise the child alone, then she needs to do the best job she can. Look for love and support through family, friends, and church.

Since I consider abortion to be a sin, a man advocating for abortion would be committing the same sin as a woman having one.

I know several women who are raising their child alone and doing a good job. If a woman doesn’t believe that she can give the child the love it deserves and adequate care, then she should look to adoption. But because a woman is not married should not automatically mean that the child be given up for adoption. That was the common practice in the past and I believe that because it was the only option, it caused much heartache.
Studies have shown that is better to keep a child within their natural birth parents loving home whether that is with mother and father or simply one of those parents. Psychologically and for the benefit of knowing one’s identity. This statement I have made doesn’t detract from all of the very generous people who do adopt children who are not wanted or removed from their birth parents and provide good and loving homes for them.
Please reference these studies. This is contrary to what I have observed and what friends who work for Child Protective Services observe.

It is true that many single mothers are dedicated and selfless, but that does not automatically provide the best environment for a child. Unfortunately, the stress and difficulties of raising a child alone is frequently not good for children. It’s also been well-documented that children need both a father and a mother.

I believe that every child conceived out of wedlock is a gift from God through which the parents are able to respond to God’s call with total selflessness. For some, this will result in raising the child themselves, but for others it will be through loving the child enough to place her in a loving home with two parents.
Well since you asked,🙂 my view is it’s not an ideal situation, but it’s better for a single mum to have her baby, than a self righteous married woman to abort.

If the man in person put the girl under so much pressure to abort that she carried it out, then yes his soul would be in danger if he didn’t repent.

I had to fight to have my first grandchild born as my son is Catholic and his girlfriend was Protestant and in Northern Ireland with so much hate the last thing her parents wanted was their daughter having a baby to a Catholic.

So now the child is at school and her other grand-parents have more or less taken over, but I see her a few times a week, and it doesn’t matter as long as she is alive.
Where there’s life there’s hope, where there’s no life there’s no hope IMHO.

Anyway who-ever your talking about, they need support, not condemanation.
Tip-of-the-hat for doing the right thing. Many ignore the situation and allow the wrong thing to happen, claiming there was nothing they could do.
Elizabeth B.:
Please reference these studies. This is contrary to what I have observed and what friends who work for Child Protective Services observe.

It is true that many single mothers are dedicated and selfless, but that does not automatically provide the best environment for a child. Unfortunately, the stress and difficulties of raising a child alone is frequently not good for children. It’s also been well-documented that children need both a father and a mother.

I believe that every child conceived out of wedlock is a gift from God through which the parents are able to respond to God’s call with total selflessness. For some, this will result in raising the child themselves, but for others it will be through loving the child enough to place her in a loving home with two parents.
You said it much better than I, as I seem to have offended without meaning to:o

Children need a mother AND a father. Are mother’s important? OF COURSE!!! But what about dad? What does it say to a child to have the attitude that a father is good, but not neccessary? Especially a male child.

And being widowed is completely different. There is no comparison. One does not choose to become a widow, but one does choose to become a single parent.

I stand by my opinion (and yes, it is just one opinion out of many) but not by any wording that made it offensive.

I will state again that I have tons of respect for single parents. Much more respect than for selfish two parent families, or families who provide “things”. I don’t even know how that got implied, but I never said anything about what a two parent family could give more of.

My point is that dads are very important to children, like it or not, that’s just a fact…not my opinion.

And I read all of the posts, not just the first few sentences.

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