Dear friend
Read the link above. I can see what you are saying and no-one has caused me any offence. It is clearly better for a child to have a mother and a father, but this is not always the case and for the most part if the adult left raising the child is stable and doesn’t rebel against the fact of having to be both mother and father to the child then the child will experience no adverse effects. It is when the standards of parenting are lowered by a flaw in the parent to not fully embrace their newly defined role as a single parent to that child that the damage is done to the child.
Yes there are many children who do not fair well in single parent families and there are many reports to support this also. Lack of support and social structures (as well as male role models) and an inability of the parent to sacrifice their own wants and desires in order to properly parent that child are the primary causes for this. There are also many children who do not fair well in married families, perhaps for different or similar reasons.
Single parenting requires twice the effort of a married couple raising children.
I should clearly say I am not against adoption. It is obviously right that a woman give birth and have a child adopted than to have an abortion.
Often times children that are born and given up for adoption do not find adoptive homes. They languish in foster care or children’s homes and this has a great detrimental effect on those children.
I would always advocate that a child remain with their natural parent/parents than be placed into any kind of social care or adoption and every help and safeguard should be in place for those parents who raise their own children rather than a constant stream of condemnation. If however the home provided by the natural parent is gravely disordered and detrimental to the child in mind, body and spirit, then of course in every instance the child’s welfare is of primary importance.
In society there is a distinct lack of community. There are very few parenting skills handed down from one generation to the next and communities are disjointed and insular. People don’t even know who their next-door neighbours are these days!
I feel society would greatly benefit from parenting skill classes and for a greater emphasis and encouragement be placed on community within families, extended families and people living in the same areas as well as within Parishes.
Ultimately a solid Gospel lived Catholic life, a Christian community, is what is clearly lacking in many sections of society, seperation from the Will of God leads to problem after problem. If the Gospel message is lived to it’s fullest we do not condemn we go to the aid of people even if we do not approve of their circumstances, we love them and we help them as we are all sinners, God has no favourites and is not a regarder of persons. We do this in order to create an environment where abortion or adoption are not an options that are even considered.
I have been thinking for a long time to attempt to set up a Christian charity to aid single parents. This does not condone the concept of going off and being a single parent, but moreover aids those who are most in need and for whatever reason find themselves coping alone with children. To provide help, support, friendship and love without condemnation nor judgementalism.
‘Whatever you did to the least of these you did it to Me’
God Bless you and much love and peace to you
Dear friend
Read the link above. I can see what you are saying and no-one has caused me any offence. It is clearly better for a child to have a mother and a father, but this is not always the case and for the most part if the adult left raising the child is stable and doesn’t rebel against the fact of having to be both mother and father to the child then the child will experience no adverse effects. It is when the standards of parenting are lowered by a flaw in the parent to not fully embrace their newly defined role as a single parent to that child that the damage is done to the child.
Yes there are many children who do not fair well in single parent families and there are many reports to support this also. Lack of support and social structures (as well as male role models) and an inability of the parent to sacrifice their own wants and desires in order to properly parent that child are the primary causes for this. There are also many children who do not fair well in married families, perhaps for different or similar reasons.
Single parenting requires twice the effort of a married couple raising children.
I should clearly say I am not against adoption. It is obviously right that a woman give birth and have a child adopted than to have an abortion.
Often times children that are born and given up for adoption do not find adoptive homes. They languish in foster care or children’s homes and this has a great detrimental effect on those children.
I would always advocate that a child remain with their natural parent/parents than be placed into any kind of social care or adoption and every help and safeguard should be in place for those parents who raise their own children rather than a constant stream of condemnation. If however the home provided by the natural parent is gravely disordered and detrimental to the child in mind, body and spirit, then of course in every instance the child’s welfare is of primary importance.
In society there is a distinct lack of community. There are very few parenting skills handed down from one generation to the next and communities are disjointed and insular. People don’t even know who their next-door neighbours are these days!
I feel society would greatly benefit from parenting skill classes and for a greater emphasis and encouragement be placed on community within families, extended families and people living in the same areas as well as within Parishes.
Ultimately a solid Gospel lived Catholic life, a Christian community, is what is clearly lacking in many sections of society, seperation from the Will of God leads to problem after problem. If the Gospel message is lived to it’s fullest we do not condemn we go to the aid of people even if we do not approve of their circumstances, we love them and we help them as we are all sinners, God has no favourites and is not a regarder of persons. We do this in order to create an environment where abortion or adoption are not an options that are even considered.
I have been thinking for a long time to attempt to set up a Christian charity to aid single parents. This does not condone the concept of going off and being a single parent, but moreover aids those who are most in need and for whatever reason find themselves coping alone with children. To provide help, support, friendship and love without condemnation nor judgementalism.
‘Whatever you did to the least of these you did it to Me’
God Bless you and much love and peace to you