My BIL has the same credentials as your hubby and it doing quite well in Louisville, KY. That is my home town, and being that it is a VERY Catholic town, 10 private Catholic High schools and a ton more grade schools, you can find the gamet of extremely orthodox to Catholic light all with in a 45 minute radius. The COL is lower than many places, but I would not consider it a small town. I think it is funny when people try to ask me if I know so and so because they were from their too? No, they are not as big as Atlanta or Minneapolis/St. Paul, but they are definatly big enough where you probably only know everyone through the 3-5 person method (a knows b knows c…). Louisville has the Center of Performing Arts and Actors theatre in the downtown area. This is very important if you like to see the Nutcracker or A Christmas Carol every year. Acotrs has a new playwrights competition every year too. CPS has broadway shows that come through on the national circuit. So with that comes the advantages of living in a town with an artsy side, lots of great restaurants. And they have a real zoo, you laugh, but when you have little ones this is important as the closest zoo to us now is 1 1/2 -2 hours away.
The weather does get hot in the summer, you need A/C as it is in the Valley of the Ohio River = humid summers. Also be worried about allergies.
Then there is “The Derby” if you are from there, but to the rest of the world, “The Kentucky Derby” when you see all these famous people come in for the festivities at Church Hill Downs.
Big Companies in Louisville are one of four major hubs for UPS, Human Insurance, Papa John’s Head Quarters, GE, Ford, Paramount Pickles, All of the cola companies, Frito-Lay, The Children’s Hospital which is part of the quad in downtown with three other major hospitals (where they did the first heart transplants with the fake hearts) plus a couple more hospitals in the sub-burbs. Those are just a few, but I know I am forgetting more like the bourbon companies, Harley, etc.
My sister and BIL live in a custom built 5 bedroom house, near 3000 w/o including the walkout basement for just around $330,000. In the NE we bought a small cape for nearly the same amount.
I hope this helps! If you are HSing then you have heard of Prima Latina, the authors have a real school there called “the Latin School”.