What areas are you struggling in?

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Anna's Mom:
interesting… I recently made a post asking if life has to be simple to be spiritual.
A simple life does make spirituality easier for me. I have been living alone for a few years now, my seven year old daughter visits on weekends. Her mom. (my ex) is my best and only friend. I am retired and have an online business and seldom leave the house, except occasional shopping and the library. I don’t watch TV or read the newspaper, I mostly read religion and history. My main commo is online, I really don’t like phones. I have taken a vow of celibacy and chastity and it has made my life much easier–I used to be a drunk/party/bar/people person. God has really changed my life.–nicolo
I’m just a layperson, but this is what I have to say:
Chris LaRock:
What steps do you take to avoid giving in to these sins?
For me, I ask God to give me the grace to overcome it. Either that or I grab my brown scapular and ask Mary to pray for me that I recieve the grace to overcome it. This seems to be what works the best so far. Other than that: become closer with God.

Make a holy hour before the blessed sacrament. Pray the Rosary. Read the bible. Go to church more. Join a prayer group. Join a bible study. Read some books by Christian authors.

Most importantly, take the focus off yourself. Deny yourself, and take up your cross. Stop worrying about your sins, and how you can stop doing sinful deeds, but focus on virtue and how you can do good deeds. Listen to others. Help them out. Preach the Gospel. LIVE the gospel.

as for your specific comments:

I struggle with my anger said:
here’s what I might try to do. as far as forgiving people, the bible says all you have to do is be willing to greet the person when you see them and pray for them. If you can do that, you can forgive them in your heart.

As far as lusting after women, you need to get to know Mary more. Never will there ever be a more beautiful woman yet never could I EVER have thoughts of lust towards her. I personally love seeing the nuns in the chapel. Especially the younger more beautiful ones. They are so…pure. I once saw a young latina nun on EWTN. She was so beautiful and full of life. I felt so much love for her and didn’t even know her. Yet no thoughts of lust entered my mind. Just appreciation for women. Lust and gluttony and alcohol all run together. If you over indulge in either your more likely to over induldge in all three.

overeating too much makes you slow, tired, impatient, and takes away your energy.

Getting lost in sexual thoughts can definitely make you angry, and can also isolate you from your surroundings.

Both of which can make you angry and hard-headed. Fat people always pretend to be nice, but if you only knew how pissed off they are. Self-pity is a bad excuse for being 300 pounds.

you KNOW what drinking can do. don’t drink. if you can. as christians, we don’t need it. Be an example. I go to parties with people drinking and sometimes smoking weed. I’m able to have fun with them even though I’m completely sober.

In order to conquer gluttony, simply ask yourself: am I REALLY hungry?

it’s also good to fast, make a sacrifice for the lord. Teaches you self-control and the value of suffering.

That’s all for now.
It also helps to remind yourself that your natural human urges to sin are unclean urges. The story Jesus told of the son who took off with his inheritence, spending it on riotous living, helps to keep in mind. He only realised his need to obtain forgiveness from his father when he realised that he was desiring pig food. He realised his urges had become unclean. We need to realise our natural urges are unclean, and must be overcome. Our mind set must be that of repentance, so we will foresake our sin.
I deal with alot of secular bombardment. It tempts me to spend way to much time watching the history channel and takes my focus off of God. It’s not always easy being in the world but not of it. I’m sure some others can relate. I cant see this being too personal to share here in it’s generality. My job at times feels like a leach on my spirituality. I would love to win powerball, not so much for the money but just for the freedom of my time to focus on what matters.

I deal with alot of secular bombardment. It tempts me to spend way to much time watching the history channel and takes my focus off of God. It’s not always easy being in the world but not of it. I’m sure some others can relate. I cant see this being too personal to share here in it’s generality. My job at times feels like a leach on my spirituality. I would love to win powerball, not so much for the money but just for the freedom of my time to focus on what matters.

How much time can money buy? How much freedom can money buy? Is there a fixed relationship between time and money? In my world view it seems the less money I have, the more time I have. ‘Needs’ demand less than ‘wants’. Are the best things in life free?–nicolo
Chris LaRock:
What steps do you take to avoid giving in to these sins?
Repent and ask for God’s forgiviness and graces to grow in the contrary virtues: humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence.

You can avoid being tempted to abuse your body by crazy gluing small ammounts of sand into the palm of the hand you use.
This is a serious male problem, and I’ve known people who have cut themselves in order to control it. Sinning against your bod for the sake of stopping yourself from sinning against your body isn’t logical.

Thanks for the link. I’ll take a look at it.
Chris LaRock:
This is a serious male problem, and I’ve known people who have cut themselves in order to control it. Sinning against your bod for the sake of stopping yourself from sinning against your body isn’t logical.
That’s what the Grail knight Klingsor did in Wagner’s opera Parsifal. He became an evil sorcerer as a result. Needless to say, he vanquished in the end (the end of Act II, that is).
It really doesn’t make much sense to commit one sin against your body to prevent yourself from committing another one. You are just replacing one sin with another. :rolleyes:
Especially if you are resorting to sin to avoid another sin. Like flooding your house to prevent a fire. 😃
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