Q: Is it still possible for a man who recognizes that he is gay and stably, permanently so, but who is celibate, to enter seminaries or religious orders?
Skylstad: “I think one of the telling sentences in the document is the phrase that the candidate’s entire life of sacred ministry must be ‘animated by a gift of his whole person to the church and by an authentic pastoral charity.’ If that becomes paramount in his ministry, even though he might have a homosexual orientation, then he can minister and he can minister celibately and chastely.”
My note: “gay and stably”[so] = having “deep seated tendencies” BUT Bishop Skystad is open to all but those candidates for whom homosexuality (or heterosexuality) “dominates” them.
Q: You’ve talked about being able to make a gift of yourself to the church completely, and how if someone had a deep-seated homosexual orientation that might not be possible. Could you say the same thing about someone with a deep-seated heterosexual tendency?
Skylstad: “Absolutely. It cuts both ways. You’re right.”
My note: This is bizarre; if a man has neither a deep-seated homosexual or a deep-seated heterosexual tendency, he is either bisexual or confused. Deep-seated heterosexual tendencies in priests are normal; they don’t become asexual when they are ordained…
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Skylstad: “I think one of the telling sentences in the document is the phrase that the candidate’s entire life of sacred ministry must be ‘animated by a gift of his whole person to the church and by an authentic pastoral charity.’ If that becomes paramount in his ministry, even though he might have a homosexual orientation, then he can minister and he can minister celibately and chastely.”
My note: “gay and stably”[so] = having “deep seated tendencies” BUT Bishop Skystad is open to all but those candidates for whom homosexuality (or heterosexuality) “dominates” them.
Q: You’ve talked about being able to make a gift of yourself to the church completely, and how if someone had a deep-seated homosexual orientation that might not be possible. Could you say the same thing about someone with a deep-seated heterosexual tendency?
Skylstad: “Absolutely. It cuts both ways. You’re right.”
My note: This is bizarre; if a man has neither a deep-seated homosexual or a deep-seated heterosexual tendency, he is either bisexual or confused. Deep-seated heterosexual tendencies in priests are normal; they don’t become asexual when they are ordained…
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