What book would you recommend too...

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This is a spinoff of the “what book would you recommend to a Protestant friend thread”.

I am interested in reading a convert book. But there are many out there. What would someone recommend for a confessional Protestant. I know Scott Hahn’s story pretty well so I was thinking anything other than Home Sweet Rome. I am sure it is good by I basically read most of it online. So does anyone know of any well written and thought provoking ones that would be of interest to a someone of the Reformed, Presyterian or Lutheran pursuasions?

There We Stood, Here We Stand edited by Tim Drake.

It’s about Lutherans becoming Catholic.
How Firm a Foundation – Marcus Grodi

It’s a novel actually, but combines a number of coming home narratives, really excellent read.
Cheaper than a book, but good – gives many persectives on conversion and the reasons why people do it – go to chnetwork.org. The Coming Home Network was formed by Marcus Grodi to provide support for Protestant ministers who are interested in the Catholic Church. He felt the need of a support system himself (Lutheran / Presbyterian) when he was on his journey into the Church. (The organization assists around 300 Protestant ministers per year become Catholic.)

At the home page, click “Converts.” There are a number of convert stories listed by name. My fave – The Logic and Foundations of Protestantism by Brian W. Harrison. CHN’s collection of convert stories from many denominational viewpoints is interesting. And free.

Then read Deal Hudson’s book, “An American Conversion, One Man’s Discovery of Beauty and Truth in Times of Crisis.” Hudson is the editor/publisher of Crisis Magazine.
Check out the conversion stories at the Comming Home Network.

Also, the Suprised by Truth book series is magnificent.

Heck, the Bible is one huge conversion story.

There’s the Journey Home books, and the Journey’s.

I wish there was a movie that featured 4 or 5 conversion stories. I think it would be as successful as the Passion. Stories of conversion make one cry, and laugh, and just be still and know He is God.

My personal conversion story is yet unfinished. How’s about yours?
It is an essay, not a book, and I recently referred to in in another thread, but this conversion story got me interested: firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0204/articles/neuhaus.html


This is really interesting. I read this about a month ago fior the first time and it is what really got me interested as well. By far the most compelling thing I have read by a convert to date.

Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic

by David B. Currie

He was all over the place theologically until he discovered the truth of the Catholic Chuch.

A good read.
This is a spinoff of the “what book would you recommend to a Protestant friend thread”.

I am interested in reading a convert book. But there are many out there. What would someone recommend for a confessional Protestant. I know Scott Hahn’s story pretty well so I was thinking anything other than Home Sweet Rome. I am sure it is good by I basically read most of it online. So does anyone know of any well written and thought provoking ones that would be of interest to a someone of the Reformed, Presyterian or Lutheran pursuasions?

Hi Mel,
Check out 'Surprised By Truth". I cried sometimes.
There are of course so many good ones.

But the one that got me was Unabridged Christianity: Biblical Answers to Common Questions About the Roman Catholic Faith
it was just so easy to understand yet it had depth in its answers something not easily accomplished. It is very underated as an apologetic tool. But everyone that I know that has read yet say the same thing its the best apolgetics book that nobody knows about.

For those who prefer conversion stories rather than an apologetic book the Suprised by Truth Series is hard to beat.
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