What you can do is this. Love them. Be kind every time they laugh at you or shout at you and mock you. Be gracious and loving to them. Always smile and greet them kindly, give them your time and you kindness. Never shout back, never lose your temper with them. Just smile and nod at them and be patient with them. Just like Jesus did in the Bible. The Bible truly is a blueprint of what to do. Jesus was mocked, disbelieved and most people walked away… in the end they killed him. I am not saying they will do that to you!! I am just saying, people will learn by love and example… and if they dont that is ok. God does not require you to be successful. He only requires that you try. You are a disciple merely by living a gracious life that is pleasing to him, he is the one who decides who converts and who doesnt not us. Just do your little bit as happily and peacefully as you can and let God do the rest. You are not responsible for converting the 94% , you are responsible for loving God and showing people how much you love God by your peaceful kindness to people all day. That’s all. God will capture their hearts when it’s time, trust in him. You may never see their conversion even if it happens. I hope it happens, but it may not…just pass on God’s love in all that you do and say and be at peace. God bless you.