I have posted before a rather long thread about blasphemous and hateful thoughts. My counselor and I have determined that I do not have OCD and that the thoughts I have are habit-forming. I feel I have seriously screw up my salvation. I promise you they are coming out of me, they are not intrusive. I allowed myself to be bombarded by malicious thoughts about God, Mary, Jesus, and other people over the course of a few months. I failed to trust. I scrupled at first. Then I got horribly selfish. I clearly remember lying in bed depressed and miserable and thinking to myself, “If you love God you will get out of bed this instant,” and I blasphemed. Horrible. I went to confession over and over. The thoughts would not stop. I tried to distract myself. That didn’t work. I kept getting entangled in snares until I ended up condemning myself and thinking about suicide. I ended up in the mental hospital. The thoughts would not stop. It changed me. Now I keep confessing blasphemy, cursing at and insulting other people, profanity, and vulgarity in my thoughts over and over. I wasted Lent in lukewarmness and kept failing to work on my sins. I try to pray, but I think I don’t even know how to pray because I can’t get past these wicked thoughts that I think about and toward God and other people. The worst part is that I can’t even cry over them anymore. I’ve thought terrible things about my own mother and feel nothing anymore. And I have called Mother Mary unspeakable things. I’ve told my therapist it’s like I have hell inside of me. My parents think I’m getting better because my mood has improved, but they have no idea who I am on the inside. And for the past two days I’ve been utterly selfish and slept in rather than going to confession. I want to put up more of a fight now because I am tired of living in darkness and want so badly to live in Christ’s light and love, but I don’t know how to fix this. These thoughts are so automatic now, it’s like my brain is wired for evil. It’s horrifying, but even as I’m typing this I have no emotions. It could possibly be my mood stabilizer, but I don’t know for sure. I want to love instead of think hatred and vileness, and I’m starved for Jesus (I haven’t received the Eucharist in so long), and I’m just tired of living like this. But when I try to will good thoughts toward God and Mary and toward other people, evil thoughts follow. What can I do? I’m now willing to work very hard on this, and I’m going to confession tomorrow, but I’m scared that my soul is dead and that God is angry with me for not following through with my confessions and making every effort to stop sinning. How do I turn around? I feel so stuck, and I’m terrified that I’m damned because my heart is so messed up. I’ve started to pray the Rosary with my parents, and I lead it, but I feel like such a fake because I can’t focus enough to meditate on the mysteries and keep thinking these horrific thoughts. Please pray for me. And make reparations on my behalf because I have offended Our Lady and God so much. I’ll do whatever it takes to repair this even if it takes me years.