My church distributes food from the Parish House for 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have just started volunteering there, it took a while to get all my criminal record clearances through but it’s all done now!
It’s run by volunteers and we rely purely on donations from the people of the parish (either food or small cash donations) and from some other groups, such as a convent that supplies polystyrene cups and lids for the hot drinks. People can have two rounds of sandwiches (we offer about 6 choices), a hot or cold drink (or soup) and cake, biscuits or crisps. Some of the callers come in the morning and again in the afternoon, and I wonder if that’s their only food all day.
They are not all homeless, but some live in bedsit accommodation with no cooking facilities. There are also a lot of folk who come who have problems with addiction to drugs or alcohol. No-one is turned away, anyone who asks is given food. We are a holiday town with a growing population of Eastern Europeans, and sadly some of them find it difficult to keep their heads above water when they come here.
Thank you for restoring my 'faith’than our nation is not turning into a nation of right wing bigots…with more people like you I think we will finally put the Great back into Britain.
God bless them all.