I don’t find it mean spirited either. A personal gift to the poor seems like a good thing to me.
Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be mean spirited, but when there has been no indication of a need for millions of dollars being paid to attorneys from this parish, and we all know what it is in reference to, your statement, ending with the Big Grin, can come across as an offensive , tasteless remark. I certainly don’t find any humor in it.uch:Mean spirited!
or John Quinones.I don’t usually turn to comedians for moral advice, but…
There was one stand-up comic who said, “If a homeless guy asks me for money, I give him some. Because it might be Jesus undercover.”
Great point. I’m sorry to hear that. I believe that is we need to pray harder as laypersons and hope Our Lord hears our prayers. My prayers go out to you. Where in Canada are you. West or East Coast.I’m from Canada, here we have welfare and disability etc. and
the Church is OUT OF TOUCH with the poor! As a result,
our gospel is watered down and the teaching of the Church is
seen as irrelevant to our way of life. What needs to happen is
that the Church WAKE UP to the fact that Christ DIED so that
we should die AS A CHURCH to the things of the world and
live AS A CHURCH for Christ, if we live up to that promise
we WILL CHANGE the world!
Yes I was hoping to see a change in priorities or at least a new balance found among Catholics which the Holy Father called for. Not that issues such as abortion and homosexuality aren’t very important to faithful Catholics. Of course they are. But I still see based on CAF threads those 2 by far are still seeming to receive the most talk. There can even be threads in which the topic didn’t begin at all about abortion but somehow turns almost exclusively to abortion. So since the Holy Father has asked Catholics not to talk about those topics and birth control all the time, thank you for this thread.As a Church, what can we do the assist the poor and the homeless? Apart from praying I believe we need to rethink our priorities as our Holy Father Pope Francis has constantly told us. Yes, we will always have the poor amongst us and I believe this is so because they will be the ones to help each one of us become more understanding, gentler, and compassionate. Love is charity and therefore we need to be assisting those in need.
great advice. I’m at a Mc’dees right now and it’s hot. I’ll look out for a person in need.Do what Christ taught. Serving the poor and homeless serves Him and give what you can afford. Some can afford to give more than me and since I’m not the poorest amongst us, I can afford more than another. Don’t think individuals alone can do it all so don’t deny government services the opportunity to fill in the gaps. Don’t assume the worst about the homeless and assume they are all drug abusers and booze drinkers. Don’t be afraid. Roll down your car window and get to know a homeless gent. Learn their story, their circumstances. One fellow I got to know I saw at a store one day. He was not buying cigarettes or beer but actual food with donations he had received. Or if you don’t want to give money, when you buy yourself lets say as an example a McDonald’s burger for 99 cents or a cold drink on a hot day for a dollar, pick one up for the homeless, hungry, thirsty person on the same street corner. It will only cost you a buck. A very small church near me, not Catholic, every week provides food and clothing free of charge to the needy. And either lunch or dinner 5 days a week. Don’t fear if someone is going to take something they don’t need or are going to use what they take for their own yard or garage sale. Just give what and when you can and trust in the Lord. We could all probably give more. Myself included. And giving doesn’t just mean money or goods but time can count as well.