What caused the gaining of self-awareness in Homo sapiens?

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I don’t know whether this is the proper place to post this thread - if it is not, I would appreciate if the Mods would please move it to the proper place.

On another thread, I posited the following statement, with questions:

According to scientists (especially paleo-anthropologists), the Homo sapiens species (our own), originally was not self-aware. Today, we obviously are. Somewhere along the line, our species became self-aware. Scientists to this day have no explanation for how people became self-aware. It appears to me that this “achieving self-awareness” was either the infusion of the immortal soul or the Fall from Grace. As such, I would like a decent philisophical discussion on which one you believe it is (or another option, if you so believe).

So - Was the “gaining of self-awareness” for Homo sapiens the infusion of the immortal soul into humanity? Or was it caused by the Fall from Grace? Or is it something else? Why?
I don’t know whether this is the proper place to post this thread - if it is not, I would appreciate if the Mods would please move it to the proper place.

On another thread, I posited the following statement, with questions:

According to scientists (especially paleo-anthropologists), the Homo sapiens species (our own), originally was not self-aware. Today, we obviously are. Somewhere along the line, our species became self-aware. Scientists to this day have no explanation for how people became self-aware. It appears to me that this “achieving self-awareness” was either the infusion of the immortal soul or the Fall from Grace. As such, I would like a decent philisophical discussion on which one you believe it is (or another option, if you so believe).

So - Was the “gaining of self-awareness” for Homo sapiens the infusion of the immortal soul into humanity? Or was it caused by the Fall from Grace? Or is it something else? Why?
It begins with the action of the soul.

I don’t know whether this is the proper place to post this thread - if it is not, I would appreciate if the Mods would please move it to the proper place.

On another thread, I posited the following statement, with questions:

According to scientists (especially paleo-anthropologists), the Homo sapiens species (our own), originally was not self-aware. Today, we obviously are. Somewhere along the line, our species became self-aware. Scientists to this day have no explanation for how people became self-aware. It appears to me that this “achieving self-awareness” was either the infusion of the immortal soul or the Fall from Grace. As such, I would like a decent philisophical discussion on which one you believe it is (or another option, if you so believe).

So - Was the “gaining of self-awareness” for Homo sapiens the infusion of the immortal soul into humanity? Or was it caused by the Fall from Grace? Or is it something else? Why?
There are a few premises you have that I disagree with as premises, but the poll is still answerable. The first answer is correct.

Science has not “proven” that we even ever existed in a pre-human state, though there is some evidence for macro-scale evolution. This evidence is way too little at this time, however, to be considered a well-established theory.

In any event, however, whether humans were created with the body and mind they have now at the beginning of time by God, or if they evolved from apes (and before that, fish) over millions and millions of years, the moment at which that being obtains self awareness, free will, intellect, and reason, is at the moment it receives an immortal soul. The fall had nothing to do with our self awareness (though it did darken our intellect).

Hope this answers your question.
Self-awareness: An awareness of one’s own personality or individuality.
According to scientists (especially paleo-anthropologists), the Homo sapiens species (our own), originally was not self-aware. Today, we obviously are. Somewhere along the line, our species became self-aware.
Using the “mirror test,” as seen here…
…shows us – at least theoretically – that humans are not the only animal to possess self-awareness.
Scientists to this day have no explanation for how people became self-aware.
Very true.
I would say self-awareness is a product of the mind, but then I read about neurological disorders like Hydranencephaly and that answer seems too simple.
I don’t know.
I’ll withhold voting on the poll until I see some discussion.
Just my MX$2.

Since a conscious mind is not standard equipment in the animal world, it was given directly by God.

The book of Genesis describes God breathing life into Adam’s nose. But since we are animal beings, and Genesis never describes the animals needing any special help to breathe; might it be that what was given to Adam was not natural breathing, but spiritual life (soul) along with its product, the human mind?

First of all, the self-awareness in our species is much more than just being able to recognize ourselves in a mirror. We are able to communicate with symbolic language (which is what words and language are); we are able to abstract past and future events; we are fully aware of our own demise. And yet, according to anthropological evidence, it appears that there was a time in which our species was not able to do these things.
First of all, the self-awareness in our species is much more than just being able to recognize ourselves in a mirror. We are able to communicate with symbolic language (which is what words and language are); we are able to abstract past and future events; we are fully aware of our own demise.
How do we know self-awareness isn’t the ability to “recognize ourselves in a mirror”?
Consciousness can’t be empirically tested, so awareness is subjective – I can’t know you are aware, for example; I have to trust you saying you are. This is how we should view awareness in other animals. You and an orangutan, for example, will pass the mirror test, and neither of you can successfully convince me you view consciousness as I do.
Written languages aside, other animals do communicate – visual, tactile, and chemical are some examples of communication. Don’t misunderstand, some animals – elephants, whales, and wolves…to name a few – do use auditory communication.
How do we know self-awareness isn’t the ability to “recognize ourselves in a mirror”?
Consciousness can’t be empirically tested, so awareness is subjective – I can’t know you are aware, for example; I have to trust you saying you are. This is how we should view awareness in other animals. You and an orangutan, for example, will pass the mirror test, and neither of you can successfully convince me you view consciousness as I do.
Written languages aside, other animals do communicate – visual, tactile, and chemical are some examples of communication. Don’t misunderstand, some animals – elephants, whales, and wolves…to name a few – do use auditory communication.
All other living beings communicate - even bacteria communicate with each other. And, most mammals (in fact, most vertebrates other than fish) use auditory communication. But, the ability to communicate does not mean actual language. You are right when you say that consciousness can’t be empirically tested - but it can be deduced. I know that I am completely conscious of my own activities. I cannot prove that you are, but, since we are both using written language, I can infer that you are capable of using abstract thought.

We, as humans, have tried communicating using abstract ideas with chimpanzees, our closest living animal relatives, who are able to recognize themselves in a mirror. Often, the abstract ideas are to be represented simply pictorally or done in American Sign Language. The closest we’ve gotten? Single nouns. As much as we’ve tried to get sentences, it just hasn’t happened. In fact, it turns out that the non-human animal that we communicate best with is the household dog. Dogs understand people more than any other animal, by far. And yet, the household dog (unless it’s a more intelligent breed, such as a Border Collie) generally cannot recognize his face in a mirror.
I think you’re on the right trail, PowrofK- The key difference between us and other animals
of course, is our soul but the natural evidence is in how we communicate . Not all communication is the same and the basic difference for us is that while animals communicate diadicly i.e. one to one so that they need to be in some way present to one
another we humans can communicate triadicly that is by using signs to name any or every
thing in the universe. Naming was one of the first powers God gave man in the Garden.
The description of how Helen Keller made the connection of what Ann Sullivan had
spelled out in her one hand with the water pouring over her other is a classical example.
Before that moment Helen had lived on an animal level communicating only one to one in the
presence of another But now she can name and act on a human level. Her soul was always there but now she makes use of its power.
This is a rewording of a common fiction being spread here.
  1. Scientists cannot decide with absolute certainty that “pre-human” humans existed. For example, we have Neanderthal DNA. One definition of a species is that it can interbreed. The Neanderthals were a group of humans, just as we have Oriental people who have differing physical characteristics, for example.
  2. Science cannot study self-awareness based on an incomplete fossil record. Again, Neanderthals were thought to be less intelligent cousins to men. That has been shown to be false.
  3. The soul cannot be studied by science, so science can say nothing about it. The Catholic Church can tell us who and what human beings are. Science cannot tell us some very important things about what it means to be human.
What caused self-awareness then, is What is causing it now.
We know we are here.
We aren’t something out there.
We are here.
We are.
Who causes us to be, is He who caused all to be.
We, as humans, have tried communicating using abstract ideas with chimpanzees, our closest living animal relatives, who are able to recognize themselves in a mirror. Often, the abstract ideas are to be represented simply pictorally or done in American Sign Language. The closest we’ve gotten? Single nouns. As much as we’ve tried to get sentences, it just hasn’t happened. In fact, it turns out that the non-human animal that we communicate best with is the household dog. Dogs understand people more than any other animal, by far.
For your consideration:
Hi, I am not a college grad. I did attend some night school about 50 years ago for accounting and data processing. I have done some reading off and on concerning our human nature. I am not going to discuss all the hominids, I’ll mention now the Neanderthal who somehow was converted to a Homo Sapien who then became a Homo Sapien Sapien. I had a quick little dream one night about this ‘happening’ as I was very curious just when Adam and Eve came to the Earth and also had a question in my mind as to who Cain ended up being ‘married’ to and my sides spoke that he did not marry a family member. A couple of dreams seemed to answer the questions for me. God installed the immortal human soul into Adam and Eve, Any children born thereafter to the Adam and Eve family would have a soul. Apparently there was to be a helper for them as the Guardian Angel 'assigned; Homo Sapien Sapiens have the extra mental ability for forward thinking, planning for future events, that sense of creativity or deeper analytic thinking. and the ability to learn and understand religious thought. I have a firm belief in my Guardian Angel as He has helped me with my direct knowledge in the past. I met him when I was a bout 5 or 6, not understanding what he told me at then time. I remembered his name.
When I was about probably 8 or 9 and the family was on vacation at a small lake in Indiana, I was in an inner tube out in the water and I slid out under the tube to go up to the beach but I had floated out further into the lake and the water was over my head and I could walk, I was struggling in the water and I knew I was in trouble, I heard a voice in my head that told me " You are going to die, say your prayers" I started to say an Our Father in my head, I saw something like pink or red clouds, then I saw me at the little field nest to our house in Detroit and a friend then I was told " This is all you will remember". The next thing I remembered was laying on my stomach on the beach at the lake in Indiana and my older brother was pushing on my back, water was coming out of my mouth and there was a lot of mucus coming out of my nose. Long story short,I was drowning and was told to say my prayers, I did and I am alive.
Another time I was spoken to was was back in Feb 1964. My 4 year enlistment as an active duty Marine was drawing to a close, I had been a Corporal for about 2 1/2 hears and I was told by a couple of fellow Marines that when I reenlisted I was be promoted to a Sargent, That sounded good to me as it meant some more $ and I and my family and girl friend would be proud of me. But I was told by a voice inside my head not to reenlist. The third time I heard it, it was very firm “Do not reenlist”. I didn’t reenlist and later that year for several years the country was in deep war in Viet Nam.There is a little more I can say but you get the Idea.
I believe in evolution as a tool that God put into nature that he created. The original hominids were neat animals but nothing like us. We have the image of God and the Angels as we have immortal souls as an extra living force in our physical body. Treat it well and say your prayers. God loves all of us, it is up to us what happens next.
It would very difficult to argue that an agent who is not self-aware could sustain itself hence self-awareness is crucial for survival of living being.
One theory is that when early hominids began to consume meat, the brain grew rapidly, and changed in a manner that allows for self-awareness. As has been pointed out, we can’t say precisely where this resides within the brain, but it is apparent that it does.
Then there should be conclusive evidence there was a point they did not eat meat, contrary is dated evidence.


Early hominins were using stone tools to butcher meat as long ago as 3.4 million years, about 800,000 years earlier than previous evidence dates to, scientists report in this week’s issue of Nature.
One theory is that when early hominids began to consume meat, the brain grew rapidly, and changed in a manner that allows for self-awareness. As has been pointed out, we can’t say precisely where this resides within the brain, but it is apparent that it does.
It isn’t apparent that it does, no more than it is apparent that awareness of the chair in front of me resides IN my brain. The chair apparently resides outside of my brain, which is the apparent truth about the chair that is most appropriate to where the chair is located.

Self-awareness implies the existence of something (self) that is non-spatial. It is not merely the awareness of being aware, but rather an awareness of an I who is aware. The nature of that “I” is called the “hard problem” of consciousness because no functionality in the brain can be associated directly and causally with consciousness.

It is also a troubling problem for evolutionists because they have to explain why evolution would arrive at a redundant and wasteful (from a conservation of energy perspective) solution.

Think of superior athletes. In practice, their principal goal is to make every move automatic by circumventing conscious deliberation which only slows down response time. Much more effective to hardwire responses into brain circuitry so responses are reflexive rather than deliberative. In a predictable causal order, evolution would result in reflexive responses to predictable order.

Why do humans have the capacity to transcend the causal order and alter it by anticipating future events, creatively constructing alternatives and taking appropriate actions to make those come about? Animals do not do that because their level of consciousness does not creatively transcend the existing order. It doesn’t because they don’t have consciousness of a self as an “object” in the world different from other objects. A truly transcendent self “object” has the capacity to create novel causality.

Check how animals “consciously” address the world. Do they create new solutions continuously? Do birds have a plethora of housing styles which demonstrate an ability to create novel order? No. Nests are basically nests. Animals don’t do art, devise technology, write prose or poetry, compose music, do mathematics, etc. etc.

Creativity is a benchmark test for consciousness because consciousness allows a being with it to transcend the causal order and substantially alter it. Which animals on Earth have done that to a degree anywhere approaching the impact of humans on the world?

It also needs to be explained how evolution would arrive at functionality that allows the evolved organism, not merely to adapt to nature, but to adapt nature to itself. Nature, in all its evolutionary and capable efficiency, apparently didn’t see that one coming and is being blindsided by one species.
Self-awareness implies the existence of something (self) that is non-spatial. It is not merely the awareness of being aware, but rather an awareness of an I who is aware. The nature of that “I” is called the “hard problem” of consciousness because no functionality in the brain can be associated directly and causally with consciousness.
Self is not entirely non-spatial; it includes the body.

In childhood, we are not aware of having bodies separate from our mind or “self”; the body is the self. “You put your whole self in; you take your whole self out.” 🙂

We have to learn to separate our “conscious self” from what is, after all, a thinking body. It’s not automatic.

It also needs to be explained how evolution would arrive at functionality that allows the evolved organism, not merely to adapt to nature, but to adapt nature to itself. Nature, in all its evolutionary and capable efficiency, apparently didn’t see that one coming and is being blindsided by one species.
Not surprisingly, given that nature is mindless, and shapes life through oceans of time and the law of entropy, just as the land is shaped by ages of time and tons of water.

Organisms develop particular strengths that enable them to overcome the competition. The human mind is the acme of such strengths, as it has raised an otherwise very fragile body to the dominant niche on the planet.

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