What caused the gaining of self-awareness in Homo sapiens?

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Think of superior athletes. In practice, their principal goal is to make every move automatic by circumventing conscious deliberation which only slows down response time. Much more effective to hardwire responses into brain circuitry so responses are reflexive rather than deliberative. In a predictable causal order, evolution would result in reflexive responses to predictable order.
The animal world is full of examples of adapting not only nervous action but the solid body to excel in one course of action. But the organism is then locked into that course of action. Cats normally don’t swim; dolphins don’t climb trees.

The conscious mind, and a soma adapted to follow the mind, give human life a repertoire unmatched in living motion.

As I understand self awareness I know that I know. The act of knowledge is a spiritual process, dealing with concepts that are intangible to the senses, they are not sensed, but understood which is a spiritual process. Material reality is referred to as Part out part, and it can be sensed. I know that I know is as a reflection on one’s self, and inversion on self. This is not a physical phenomenon, and can’t be duplicated physically. I can observe myself doing something else at the same time, I am self aware. This is the action of a spiritual entity, the soul That is why we humans have an individual personality We are autonomous., free thinking and acting beings An animal responding to it’s own reflection is no proof of self-awareness. Intelligent communication when an animal can tell you quit treating it like a dog, then we have an argument about self-awareness. You can’t give what you do not have! We can make robots, and make an intelligent program for them, but science will never make one that is self-aware of itself, and autonomous. It makes good science fiction though.
We must quit calling humans animals, yes we have animality, the properties that are similar to animals, but also we have rationality, a different species of beings. People humanize animals, and animalize humans. I can understand that some humans act like animals when they don’t control their feelings, and this is one of the consequences of sin, and its effects. We humans are by nature rational beings, and we should be acting rationally, but this is not always the case.proving that something in human nature is not right, a disordered condition that many do not recognize. In our self-awareness when it is directed to other awareness, life becomes like a country side being viewed by us from a moving train, but something within ourselves never changes, that is the awareness of the observer observing,

In the above post I meant to say “part outside part” sorry!
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On another thread, I posited the following statement, with questions:

According to scientists (especially paleo-anthropologists), the Homo sapiens species (our own), originally was not self-aware. Today, we obviously are. Somewhere along the line, our species became self-aware. Scientists to this day have no explanation for how people became self-aware. It appears to me that this “achieving self-awareness” was either the infusion of the immortal soul or the Fall from Grace. As such, I would like a decent philisophical discussion on which one you believe it is (or another option, if you so believe).

So - Was the “gaining of self-awareness” for Homo sapiens the infusion of the immortal soul into humanity? Or was it caused by the Fall from Grace? Or is it something else? Why?
Human beings have self awareness due to their soul, with its intellectual and sensitive powers, which is the principle of life in their body. This occured with the creation of the first man and woman by God, i.e., Adam and Eve.
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