What constitutes presuming on God's mercy?

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New member
I just went to reconciliation and was thinking about receiving Communion today at Mass. I struggle with scrupulosity and I was worried I had already committed a mortal sin (I don’t think I have) so I was going to receive Communion. While I was thinking about it, I said to myself that if I was in a state of grave sin and received Communion, I can always go to confession and seek forgiveness. I don’t want to receive Communion in a state of grave sin but I am very scrupulous and oftentimes I receive Communion and think I’m in a state of grace but I get worried and confess it later as if I was consciously receiving in a state of sin. Was this presuming God’s mercy? I’m really not trying to sin but I get worried.
Everything you say here, indicates that you need to seek out the counsel of a trustworthy priest who understands the nature of scrupulosity. I’m not sure to what extent anyone on a forum can help you.

Remember that mortal sin consists of three aspects:
  • Grave matter (and not all sin is grave matter)
  • Sufficient reflection (you are aware that the matter is grave)
  • Full consent of the will (you fully have to want to commit the sin)
As a general rule for the scrupulous, if you even have to stop and think about whether any one of these three conditions applies, then you are not guilty of mortal sin.

Keep in mind, too, that temptations, no matter how strong, are not sins.

I hope you will seek out a good priest and find peace. He might recommend secular counseling or professional care for OCD, and there is medication for that. If he doesn’t, you might bring up the possibility.
Scrupulosity is a form of anxiety. Thus, it is 100% treatable. The gold standard treatment is “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” and is nearly always drug-free. It can even be done over the phone. Catholic Counselors is but one organization which helps “unlearn” anxious thoughts and the process which leads to them.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for this soul! Prayers ascending for your peace.
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