But how do you make the jump from a Subsistent Being, to a conscious being? I could easily conceive of a subsistent being as simply a quantum field(s). Which contains within itself all possible “knowledge”, in other words all those things that might ever have the potential to exist.
I’m not sure I’d use the word “conscious” for Subsistent Being. As far as precision goes, it seems to miss the mark of what is being referred. Consciousness for me conveys a type of
animal sense of self. It refers to observing, sensing, and turning that into thoughts. Perhaps more importantly, it conveys a sense of discursive thinking or ratiocinate processes. Subsistent Being doesn’t sense or observe. It’s knowledge isn’t discursive and it has no ratiocinate processes. Subsistent Being doesn’t think, if thinking means moving from one thought to the next, a process, piecemeal, etc… So that is why I hesitate over the word conscious. I have trouble breaking it from those processes above which do not belong to Subsistent Being.
Perhaps one way to think of it is to state that Subsistent Being is the cause of all other things, which can then be thought of as effects. Every effect is in its cause (or causes).
The first thing we’ll think of when we say that is the effect being in the cause
formally. To use an old example, a match has the
form of a fire (I’m not being too technical here with the word form) , and it gives the form of fire to its effect of a lit candle wick. Another example, I give you $20 from my wallet. I have the form of having $20, and I cause you to have the same form.
But an effect does not always exist in its cause formally. Another way is eminently, in which you don’t have the form of your effect but have power over something else that can produce the effect. Say you don’t have $20 but have eminent power by being able to call the Federal Reserve and print one off for me. As one of the causes of me having $20, the effect is in you in an eminent way.
The last way is virtually. An architect may have an idea for a house in his mind. As one of the causes of the effect (the house), the effect is in him as the cause virtually. Another example, going back to the $20, is me not having $20 on me but in my bank account, and I write you a check for $20.
For an effect to be in a cause in a virtual and non-material way, though, is essentially the same thing as having it as a thought or knowledge.
I’ve gone around my fist to get to my thumb, I know. But to try to answer your question, Subsistent Being has all its effects in it in a virtual way, which just is, when you examine what it is to know something, knowledge. So while I hesitate to use the word conscious, I will saying it is knowing. So there is an analogy between what it is for us to have knowledge and Subsistent Being on that front, but Subsistent Being is not a human mind of consciousness and doesn’t operate in that way. It is just eternal knowing and action following from that knowing.
I admit I could do better with more time on the mode of having an effect in the cause virtually and its relation to knowing.