I have two children, ages 2 1/2 and 1, and am expecting #3 in a few months. They will be approximately 1 1/2 years apart (btw, I don’t mind, they’ll grow up together!!). I am a convert to the Catholic faith, the only Catholic in a sea of protestant/unchurched family. I am living out the teachings of the Church on the family, which means I will probably have many children! I just needed some encouraging Scripture verses or quotes from saints about motherhood or children to boost me up when family or other people (even strangers) make rude comments degrading my belief in no contraception or how many children I have and how close together they are.
What have other mothers said to these comments? What Scriptures or quotes do you know?
Thanks a lot,
What have other mothers said to these comments? What Scriptures or quotes do you know?
Thanks a lot,