What did you say to someone who made rude comment?

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Dear Mass4Life,

I know what you’re saying. I have three children. However, I have a daughter with 6 children, and a sister-in-law with 9 children.

When I hear from anyone comments about “When will they stop to have children?” or “How could they possibly not go crazy raising so many?” and so on, I will try to engage these people in a conversation. I donot get rude or angry with them.

Try formulate your answers using the third person singular or first and/or third plural. This way you’ll not sound too confrontational.
For example, the point of: “Of what concern is it to you?” You could respond, with a smile: “Why are some people always so concerned how many children others have?”

The point of “Aren’t you judging them according to your own
shortcomings?” (They just told you they couldn’t handle more than 1) - “Well, there are people, you know, who are fortunate and know how to discipline their children.”

Overpopulation: “Why is it OK for us to be here on earth and why would we deny others to be here on earth?” or “Why do people think there’s an overpopulation?” (There’s no overpopulation. Try to be ready with facts.)

I don’t get “religious” in my answers. I hold my daughter up as the perfect mom - which she is. I could have learned a lot from her were I younger.

I know each situation is different. Think about the questions people have asked you and/or will be asking and try to visualize how you will deflect peoples rude comments. Call your children “Blessings” and ask the other person how many they have.

These are just examples of how I have answered some of those questions. Ogten the questions are posed with a lot of hilarity in the presence of many people. You definitely get the impression is it’s being asked to embarrass.

I like to refer you to Luke 23, 23-31: For behold, days are coming in which men will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed.’ Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall upon us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ (What do you think Mass4Life, are we living in …days that are coming…? - I think we have arrived.)

Please keep in mind 1 Tim. 2:15: Yet women will be saved by childbearing, if they continue in faith and love and holiness with modesty.

May God Bless You and Your Family.

God will surely bless you mass4life!!! Jesus said others would not understand and that they would condemn true Christian behavior (even those who profess to be so). Just keep in mind what Jesus said: “They hated me before they hated you.”
I truly envy you (in a good way of course 🙂

Ps…picking a few good come backs sure wouldn’t hurt though!!
You could say that you will pray for them that they could be so blessed by God with a large family with a honest smile on your face.
Why it is so offensive here in the States to have more than one kid! I’ve been very blessed in the sense that I’ve traveled long and extensively and let me tell you that in other cultures to have a big family is such a blessing. In Latin America if you fathered 7 or 8 the spouse in considered " The Man", is a very macho thing, in India if you have only one sibling it is look upon as sad, and that your fathers are not providing for you. Even in the Middle East to have a family of five is a blessing from God, and if they are all boys of course , God is even merciful ( of course I do not agree with that one, a girl in my opinion is double the blessing:D ). In certain regions of China to have more than one will assure you will be taken care of. In certain tribes of Africa when a woman can have more than one child is a good omen for the tribe. In a lot of these countries poverty is a way of life , many will agree that they have so many kids due to lack of family planning even ignorance and so on forth or that if they know they are poor and cannot provide why continue having kids? When I see this , is telling me these people are truly living their faith. They are sure God will provide one way or another. I salute people on this forum who are truly living their faith:clapping: may God bless you always.
Congrats on your growing family! http://forum.catholic.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I am a mother of 7 children, oldest is 9, youngest is 6 months in utero! http://forum.catholic.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I recall the rude and tiring comments on our family size begining when we were expecting our 3rd child too. The good news is, you are a living witness to the beauty of motherhood and family, that is what will change hearts more than any sassy, sweet, or even scriptural replies to the off comments. I know it’s hard, trust me, I’ve had more than my fair share of them, and have unfortunetly not always responded in the most charitable of fashion. I realized though, that my family (and yours, and everyone else living God’s plan for their families) is a very open, blatent, and BEAUTIFUL sign of contradiction in our world today, so now I just smile, and give all thanks to God, whether it be a good or bad remark.

To help lift your heart a bit:
Have you heard of Marie Bellet? She is a wife/mother/musician. She sings about things very near to a Catholic mothers heart, and as the mother of 8 children, she really knows what you are going through. Visit her site, mariebellet.com/ You can listen to samples of her songs if you click on “music”. I have all three of her CD’s (the last two were gifts from my husband) and I enjoy all of them!
Congrats on your growing family! http://forum.catholic.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I am a mother of 7 children, oldest is 9, youngest is 6 months in utero! http://forum.catholic.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I recall the rude and tiring comments on our family size begining when we were expecting our 3rd child too. The good news is, you are a living witness to the beauty of motherhood and family, that is what will change hearts more than any sassy, sweet, or even scriptural replies to the off comments. I know it’s hard, trust me, I’ve had more than my fair share of them, and have unfortunetly not always responded in the most charitable of fashion. I realized though, that my family (and yours, and everyone else living God’s plan for their families) is a very open, blatent, and BEAUTIFUL sign of contradiction in our world today, so now I just smile, and give all thanks to God, whether it be a good or bad remark.

To help lift your heart a bit:
Have you heard of Marie Bellet? She is a wife/mother/musician. She sings about things very near to a Catholic mothers heart, and as the mother of 8 children, she really knows what you are going through. Visit her site, mariebellet.com/ You can listen to samples of her songs if you click on “music”. I have all three of her CD’s (the last two were gifts from my husband) and I enjoy all of them!
well, i personally want to thank you for the donation of your children to God’s family… Mother of 7… :bigyikes: your pass to heaven is on its way… I am the second of eight siblings and speaking from experience, i wouldn’t trade places with anyone for all the money in the world… :blessyou:
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