As I read all of these responses to your question I see how they provide an illustration of the true understanding of the term “Fullness of the Faith”. The Church has so many wonders to experience through the sacraments that you can’t list them all or give them a ranking. As a convert my self, the aspect of the Catholic faith I cherish most is the sense of Holiness that I have experienced through the sacrements as well as in worship & adoration. My experiences as a protestant were quite devoid of that sense of what is “Holy”, it was so much so that I became convinced that there was no God and that what the “World” offered, mainly through pleasure, was true happiness. I have experienced the power of our Lord many times during adoration of the Blessed Sacrement, I have been brought to my knees weeping in shame because of my sinfulness, only to be renewed through his mercy in Confession. I have experienced the joy seeing my children babtized and recieved consolation in the annointing of the sick. The Lord has given us the sacrements so we can really and truly experience his grace in our lives everyday! There are so many avenues to holiness that you can’t list them all. Yes it is worth it, I only wish I had found this Church, this wonderful Bride of Christ much sooner in my life.