I read that. I’m disgusted by it. We have boys in a crisis in this country; and in my opinion it’s one of the spiritual crisis that we face that contributes to a mass murder problem that we have.
rant on:
We have created a scene where boys live without fathers; or significant male role models. Where their (good) instincts towards masculinity are left unguided and unchecked but for bad popular examples (half the songs on the radio my kids try to listen to are just bad. The videos worse. And the stuff on YouTube terrifying).
As a young boy you’re sexualized early and told that anything goes in sex so long as you have consent. But that even sometimes consent doesn’t matter because its constantly revocable. That sex is just a thing, totally natural and with few boundaries so long as the constantly revocable consent is followed. "Enjoy the porn, son! It’s just natural! "They’re told that their natural instincts for sex are good; and Lord knows people try to use it to sell things to them… but if they follow the behavior they might see on a music video or other videos then they are bad…
Then we have this idea that Fathers are often superfluous or negative. I heard that one in college.
Oh, and now we question what it is not only to be a man, but male period. (Hey, aren’t all these things just gender constructs! Look at my sociology study! Don’t pay any attention to the biological differences men have behind the curtain!)
We have an epidemic of fatherless boys who are learning how to be a man from TV and video games, and other anchorless friends. We people spouting off to kids about the patriarchy and how they are a part of it (yeah, I heard that one in college). So the young man (not me, a buddy) who got into college by busting his butt, working and studying every night, and helping with the family while his Dad was serially out of work in a bad economy is told ‘Oh yeah, you’re the one really in power…you’re an oppressor…’)
We have a crisis of boys. But we won’t attend to the problem because to do the things that have worked better in the past we have to ‘curtail our sexual freedom’ or ‘Sign on to the patriarchy’.
Then we wonder why the hell they get confused.
I was very, very blessed to have good male role models. I had Dad. I had my wrestling coach. I had a Priest who taught philosophy in High School. We were taught bout the difference between authority and power. We were taught to value; 1) God. 2) Family, and 3) then your job and your friends.
Happiness and my own pleasure weren’t a priority. But rather a by product of prioritizing right things.
Yeah, we screwed up and did stupid things. Yes, my Dad and those men had their own failings. We’re all sinners after all. But we had a standard against which to judge ourselves.
This may sound Norman Rockwell but the all boys school I went to was serious about creating Men.
And I think if we focused on that, and focused on young men to teach them what real masculinity is about: dying to ones self like Christ died for his Church, then we’d be better off. I think a significant step towards fixing societal ills is to make GOOD MEN.
end of rant.