I don’t believe in reincarnation, but I have struggled with it.
Sure, there have been examples of children remembering past lives throughout history. No doubt some of these children are coached. The thing is this, so what if some of these memories are true and are there for a spiritually good reason? I don’t think that proves anything. It certainly does not mean reincarnation. It does not mean the child had the same soul as the person he/she remembered.
500 years ago people looked at flat field and naturally assumed the the earth was flat. A child remembers another person’s life and people assume this child is this other person. It is the same type of mistake. It is huge oversimplification leading to an incorrect and potentially harmful conclusion.
Looking at it another way. Let’s say you had a loved one died and who had really suffered in death. Years later you meet a child who has memories of your loved one’s life. You’d really want this child to be your loved one, especially with the possibility that she could remember suffering through a death? What would be the point? God is not cruel…