What do non-Catholics do with the "leftovers" from their Eucharist or Lord's Supper?

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But if if they see an unconsecrated host that they believe to be consecrated. Would it only be a venial sin to worship what they believed to be the body and blood of Jesus?
Latter-day Saints don’t do real presence, or transubstantiation, or consubstantiation, or anything similar.

We do bless and sanctify the bread and water, thus making it holy. But the purpose of the sacrament to us, is to renew the covenants we made at baptism. We eat/drink in remembrance of the body/blood of Jesus, in order to bear witness, take upon ourselves His name, always remember Him, have His spirit to be with us.

After the ordinance, it’s still just bread and water and empty plastic cups, which we discard.

We also have a wide range of things that can be sanctified for the sacrament. Soldiers in the field can use canteen cups and MRE crackers, etc. Symbolic meaning takes precedence over notions of things really becoming flesh/blood.
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But if if they see an unconsecrated host that they believe to be consecrated. Would it only be a venial sin to worship what they believed to be the body and blood of Jesus?
Good question.

Bottom line

Either the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ or it isn’t. What any individual believes doesn’t alter the truth of the matter. The Eucharist happens because it was consecrated by a validly ordained priest in apostolic succession. Outside of that, there is no valid ordination, nor valid consecration.


To your point,

Once someone knows the truth,” is a key point. That’s why we are to pass on the knowledge we have, and not leave people ignorant of important things to know.


Before one knows the truth, then one’s ignorance, providing it is innocent ignorance, might shield them from that sin.

I say might, because

1791 This ignorance can often be imputed to personal responsibility. This is the case when a man “takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, or when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through the habit of committing sin.” In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he commits.

Therefore, Since we don’t know what a person actually knows, in your question, we have to speak in qualified terms…right?
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'Christables': Innovation in Communion Delivery in Need of More Design? - Core77

Because to us, it is absolutely horrific.

And I’m aware that not all non-Catholic Churches have this nonsense going on, but some do and overall, either you believe it’s the Lord or you don’t. And it will reflect one way or the other.
No, I agree, it is horrific.
Don’t you know that YOU are answerable for all of Protestantism?
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'Christables': Innovation in Communion Delivery in Need of More Design? - Core77

Because to us, it is absolutely horrific.

And I’m aware that not all non-Catholic Churches have this nonsense going on, but some do and overall, either you believe it’s the Lord or you don’t. And it will reflect one way or the other.
What does this mean?
It is a continual source of frustration the way that certain posters will go after any given Protestant with whatever silliness in the Protestant world is closest to hand, even if that particular Protestant is not affiliated in any way with the church or denomination doing the silliness.
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'Christables': Innovation in Communion Delivery in Need of More Design? - Core77

Because to us, it is absolutely horrific.

And I’m aware that not all non-Catholic Churches have this nonsense going on, but some do and overall, either you believe it’s the Lord or you don’t. And it will reflect one way or the other.
No, I agree, it is horrific.
Don’t you know that YOU are answerable for all of Protestantism?
Did you mean to say "don’t you know you are NOT answerable for all of Protestantism? "
Does this look reverent to you?

'Christables': Innovation in Communion Delivery in Need of More Design? - Core77

Because to us, it is absolutely horrific.

And I’m aware that not all non-Catholic Churches have this nonsense going on, but some do and overall, either you believe it’s the Lord or you don’t. And it will reflect one way or the other.
No, I agree, it is horrific.
Don’t you know that YOU are answerable for all of Protestantism?
Did you mean to say "don’t you know you are NOT answerable for all of Protestantism? "
Sarcasm is a lost art, it would seem.
I just came in from being in a cold wind all day…maybe my brain is frozen!
Yes, by the time I was leaving the Lutheran Church, decades ago, they were doing Communion only a couple of times a year. So the remaindered wafers would not be saved, probably.

Pastor did say that the Lutherans considered the wafers and wine (not juice) to be the real presence of the Lord. Therefore, if there was any leftover wine, it was poured out on the ground. The glasses (we used tiny, little glasses) were washed out in a dish pan, which was then washed out and the wash water was dumped out on the ground, as well, and none went “down the drain.” I’m not as clear as to the wafers, but can just about guarantee that they were not thrown out with the garbage. They would have been treated with reverence and then maybe thrown out onto the ground, maybe mixed with the wine first, but definitely not thrown out with the garbage. This was all quite some time ago, of course, and Pastor is no longer around to ask.
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'Christables': Innovation in Communion Delivery in Need of More Design? - Core77

Because to us, it is absolutely horrific.

And I’m aware that not all non-Catholic Churches have this nonsense going on, but some do and overall, either you believe it’s the Lord or you don’t. And it will reflect one way or the other.
It should be.

“Let your yes be yes, and your no be no”.
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I honestly don’t see a problem. It’s convenient. Perhaps not the most aesthetically pleasing way to distribute communion elements, but, from my tradition’s theological perspective, there is nothing disrespectful about distributing what is in fact bread and grape juice in plastic containers.
Council of Florence (an ecumenical council) approved the use of either kind of bread in 1439, so the use of leavened or unleavened bread is a question of licitness, not validity. This was infallibly defined.

The council stated, “We have likewise defined that the body of Christ is truly effected in unleavened or leavened wheaten bread and that priests ought to effect the body of our Lord in either one of these, and each one namely according to the custom of his Church, whether that of the West or of the East” ( Decree for the Greeks ).

I showed in a previous post HERE why the Latin/Roman Rite uses unleavened bread.
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It is a continual source of frustration the way that certain posters will go after any given Protestant with whatever silliness in the Protestant world is closest to hand, even if that particular Protestant is not affiliated in any way with the church or denomination doing the silliness.
Hence, when speaking of practice and doctrine, use of the term “Protestant” is folly.

As I often say.
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Does this look reverent to you?

'Christables': Innovation in Communion Delivery in Need of More Design? - Core77

Because to us, it is absolutely horrific.

And I’m aware that not all non-Catholic Churches have this nonsense going on, but some do and overall, either you believe it’s the Lord or you don’t. And it will reflect one way or the other.
While it isn’t the Lord before consecration, I find a certain irony between this and even the term “communion”.
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