What do people say about Fr Michel Rodrigue

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@(name removed by moderator), Fr. Mark Goring’s video a week or two ago is what led me to this priest also! Maybe I should let Fr. Goring know that in fact the bishops have not yet approved anything of Fr Rodrigue’s supposed visions. It’s too bad that institutions in the U.S. have hosted him as a speaker without going through the proper fact-checking channels, further adding confusion to an already confused church.

@tommy37, yes, I was surprised and pleased to get a response at all, let alone one that makes it clear his excellency actually looked into the matter within just a week of my writing him! That’s one point for the team against what Patrick Coffin likes to refer to as the “weaponized ambiguity of the church.”
I’m willing to bet that your query was not the only one that His Excellency has been getting on this subject. Probably getting quite a few in his in-box.
Thank-you for sharing the Bishop’s clarification. I noticed that the “Countdown to the Kingdom” website posted that all mention of “the bishop’s approval” was removed from the website a few days ago.

I frequently browse Catholic content on YouTube, and only last night encountered what appeared to be a series of homilies or sermons given by Fr. Rodrigue at Knock, Ireland. My impression of the man was of one who genuinely loves Christ, loves his Church, and appears to be “the real deal.” He is an engaging speaker, and nothing he said “raised a red flag” with me. Pay attention to his admonishments - what he was admonishing his audience to do or not to do. I like this priest.

But the “Countdown to the Kingdom” website seems to be a collection of stuff that I ordinarily avoid, or at least, take with a hefty grain of salt. She seems to be exploiting Fr. Rodrigue, which is unfortunate. Nothing on her website is going to make me head for the hills to await the imminent destruction of the world. I have no plans of reading her book. I hopped over to this forum and was not surprised that all you usual suspects were all over this operation. Good on you…
Not sure if your letter to the Bishop had anything to do with this recent announcement, which I just saw posted on another website. I’m glad things have been clarified in any event. Though I’m not sure how the Bishop can “withdraw” support that he apparently never provided in the first place…


It’s also now posted on the front page of the Countdown to the Kingdom website, which I will not link here so I do not violate the forum rules.
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Hello, I’d like to enter into this conversation about Fr. Michel Rodrigue whom I discovered after reading Christine Watkins’ book and watching some videos made of his retreats. I have little doubt that he is authentic. His former bishop gave him many responsibilites: seminary professor, hospital chaplain, parish priest, and exorcist. When he applied to the Vatican (PBXVI) to start his new order, its proposed Rule was approved entirely without the slightest change.

I’m a 71-yr-old cradle Catholic whose faith was set on fire 49 years ago through the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5), as Our Blessed Lord promised to His disciples. My love for Holy Mother Church and for Scripture has only grown since then. In terms of this discussion, I would ask all of my fellow Catholics, and all Christians, to realize that we today are living not at the beginning of the Gospel, but towards its end. St. PJPII frequently told us (1976 as cardinal, 1982 as pope in Fulda, Germany, etc.) that we are living in the final confrontation between Christ and the anti-Christ. Lucia of Fatima told her spiritual director that “the Blessed Virgin has indicated to me that we are living in the last days.”
Jesus told St. Faustina (approved) countless times that the Day of His judgment is very near, and THAT was the reason for His very special outpouring of Mercy in these days. Sadly, our Divine Mercy devotions omit this. Of course, Our Lord Jesus instructed us that no man knows the day or the hour, but He said this after an entire CHAPTER of detailed SIGNS that He commanded us to look for. These signs are clearly among us today, and we run as much risk of error by ignoring them as by being obsessed with them. Our good fear of false prophets must not allow us to ignore all prophets. It is time to pray for discernment - not to ask for permission to be like an ‘ostrich’, so to speak. As many have said here, God guides us through Scripture and the Catechism. Both of these speak clearly of these times, if we study them with a prayerful, trusting soul, asking Jesus to help us to completely surrender ourselves to His Holy Spirit! Ask for the grace to accept only as much as God knows you can handle; He loves you so much! So do I.
@DValone, I value your opinion, as I do those of the other participants on this thread. In fact, I have just placed on my bedstand a copy of Michael Barber’s book, “Coming Soon: Unlocking the Secrets of the Book of Revelation,” which holds and Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat, and which I intend to read as soon as I finish Dan Burke’s, “Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits.”

For me, the thought of living on the edge of the end times has always been more exciting than frightful (proving my own naivety and ignorance), and I welcome the chastisement that I believe is coming soon.

But as far as listening to the prophets along the journey towards those end times, knowing there will of course be endless voices of false prophets sent to confuse, confound, misdirect, misguide, humiliate, and exhaust the faithful, shouldn’t we keep as our rule the necessary precautions of the church, namely to believe only in those words of the prophets that the church has approved?

As a child I used to imagine the false prophets looking at once homeless and ruthless, holding makeshift signs that tell me the end is near, and spouting repugnant words of degradation; in short, an easy-to-identify false prophet. But then, the devil’s not that stupid, is he. He knows what we long for, what we put our faith in, what looks legitimate to us, etc.
From what I’ve heard and read, Fr. Michel sounds like a compelling, faith-filled leader in the faith. Saying nothing of whether or not this priest of Christ’s church is in truth holy, which I cannot judge, it stands to reason that even someone such as himself could be used to send the faithful off track.

I trust that if God wants the faithful to hear His promptings, warnings, urgings, and instructions, He will give them to us in the way He has taught us to listen: through the blessing of His bride, the Church, as He has at Fatima and Akita and through Sts. Faustina and others, as you said.

Am I wrong in this? The smoke of Satan is already within the church, as St Pope Paul VI told us in 1972. Can we still trust that the church will approve the true prophets of Christ before it is too late?
Hi Aaron.

Yes, Christ gave us His Church and the Holy Spirit to guide us (John 16: 13-14). Remember that we all make up the Church – the visible head, the Pope, and all the faithful who are totally committed to Christ. Today, this commitment involves placing ourselves under Immaculate Heart of Mary. PJPII said, towards the end of his days, “I have always known that Mary leads us to Christ, but now in these days I see that Christ is also leading us to Mary.”

It sounds like you are on very good ground, placing your trust in the Church, and being humble. I am no expert, but I have served in a number of Catholic ministries involving discernment; and I know that as long as we are committed to truly following Jesus each day, He will guard us against following after false prophets: If you sense pride or rebellion in a seer, that person is not a prophet. The other great protection today is to consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She fiercely guards Her children who give themselves to Her!

Finally, my 3 simple rules for judging the authenticity of a mystic are:
  1. Study the Church-approved visions (Our Lady of Good Success, Fatima, Akita, Faustina, etc.); there is enough knowledge there to last a lifetime;
  2. Look at the judgment of Popes JPII & Benedict on those sites that have not yet been approved: both of these great popes believed without a doubt in a site which is much maligned today. And Padre Pio was certain that another such disputed site was also indeed valid.
  3. Lastly, look at the fruits: have the predictions come true? I can tell you that Fr. Michel scores high on this point.
Give yourself to Jesus, His Holy Spirit and His Blessed Mother and you will not be led astray – even if men in very high places today are. Peace to you!
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