What do the jews and muslims hate about the TLM?

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Did I get close to answering your question?
I think so. I should say, though, that when I referred to the “modern Church,” I wasn’t referring to a separate Church from the traditional Church. I was simply contrasting what the Catholic Church teaches today with what it once taught in the past. So, do you believe that the Catholic Church itself has begun to teach false doctrines, just as the Protestants said back in the sixteenth century, or do you believe the true Church has continued in some other form outside the visible Church, perhaps similar to the claims of the successionist Baptists (who believe the true Church was pushed underground by Rome)? How can one find the true Catholic Church, and if it is this secondary traditional Church (“T-Church,” as you called it), how do its claims to be the true Church outweigh those of the Orthodox, who hold to even older traditions and also reject later exercises of authority by the popes?

Once again, I am not mocking your position. Catholic apologists often point to union with Rome as being the sign that one is in the Church, a safe and sure anchor, as it were. It appears that traditionalists define this differently, and I desire to know their position.

I truly sympathize with your concern for the Church. May God bless you!
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