What do the Popes say about Personal Relationship with Jesus?

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What do the recent Popes say about “having a personal relationship with Jesus”? Can anyone point me to their comments about this?
As far as I know, all modern Popes have stressed the importance of spending time with the Sacramental Jesus, coming to Him in the Eucharist. And every Pope worth anything has recognized the necessity of receiving Him in the Blessed Sacrament. You can’t get much more personal than this.
St. Pope JPII said we need a personal relationship with Jesus.

More recently, Pope Francis also said we should have one, but he said that to seek it outside the Church is harmful and dangerous. He was clearly saying that we shouldn’t ditch out on the Church on the basis that we can just have a “me and Jesus” relationship without the Church, sacraments or community. Unfortunately, as usually happens, many sources quoted him out of context with the headline, “Pope Says that Personal Relationship with Jesus is Harmful and Dangerous.”
How much more personal relationship can we have when we receive Christ into our own bodies, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity?
What do the recent Popes say about “having a personal relationship with Jesus”? Can anyone point me to their comments about this?
“Being a Christian means having a living relationship with the person of Jesus; it means putting on Christ, being conformed to him.” -Pope Francis

“Christian faith is not only a matter of believing that certain things are true, but above all a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” -Pope Benedict XVI

“It is necessary to awaken again in believers a full relationship with Christ, mankind’s only Saviour.” Pope Saint John Paul II

Of all Christians in all the world, only the Catholic and Orthodox have a true “personal relationship” with the Person of Christ. As He commanded, we eat His Body; we drink the cup of his Blood of the New Covenant. He dwells in us.

Additionally, we have the amazing opportunity to spend time in His physical presence before the Tabernacle and at Adoration, where miracles occur. I truly feel sorry for those to whom Christ is only a thought process, a Divine Name to utter. He is invited into hearts, but how does one know that He is actually there? Of course, they have a limited relationship with Christ - but, and this is crucial - Christ is infinite!

This “Personal relationship” is a buzz-phrase coined by 19th century American evangelists. The words do not appear in scripture, but the concept in its fullness is there: the Holy Eucharist. The true ‘personal relationship’ existed for 1900 years before that.

If only they knew.
Thanks all for your thoughts and links . I will follow up on the links after Easter

As to what the Bible says about personal relationship, my go-to passage is out of Matt 7:23 Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’
See also John 17:3 3 Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

“to know” is no intellectual thing. This is a meeting, an intimate encounter with a person. In the Old Testament phase: a man “knew” his wife in the marriage act. In that act, the body says “I give all of me to you, and I receive all of you”. Talk about intimate vulnerability.

Yes, in the context of especially the Matthew verse: We must DO His will as well as Know Him. But that is another topic.
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How the h**l are we supposed to get into heaven with an impersonal relationship with Christ???

*forgot how to spell “heck”
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