What do we know about hell?

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What do we know (if we do not know, what do we expect) about hell?

When we read, or hear, about images or concepts of hell, we get a hell that falls into one of two basic catagories.
  1. First there is the truly horrific view of hell we often hear about. The hell of eternal deep torment, possibly torture. Some of the images of this so called hell include, burning lakes of fire, people living a life of endless lust with no satisfaction possible continuosly living doing perverted things that they themselves are even repulsed over. Flesh being burned off thier bodies and continously renewed to burn again over and over and over. Horrific horrible images. Yet we say anyone in hell chose thier destiny :confused: . This if course is absurd. Pick the worst case sinner you can imagine and he/she surely would spend thier entire life helping little old ladies cross streets to avoid this hell.
  2. There is the hell that is best illustrated by C.S. Lewis in the book The Great Divorce (this hell makes a great deal more sense to me). It is a much different hell. (for those who have not read the book I’ll attempt to explain Lewis’s hell) It is a hell void of true love happiness and joy, but it apparently allows at least a somewhat physically comfortable existence. These people are not in any physical torture. It is an existence that allows the prideful to remain prideful, the cruel to remain cruel, the rude to remain rude, the uncharitable to remain uncharitable. These people would have had to let go of these attributes in order to obtain heaven but they just couldn’t seem to do it. Of this hell I can understand the concept of people chosing it over heaven because they can’t let go of thier pride and repent.
I’d be very intersted to know peoples opinions, predictions, guesses about what they believe hell to be.

Hell is the perpetual existence outside of God’s presence.

Jesus tells us that there is much “wailing and gnashing of teeth,” so I have little doubt that it would be a very unpleasant existence. I just know I don’t want to end up there.
The visions of St. John Bosco were incredibly vivid images of Hell, and they certainly don’t sound like a place that’s simply comfortable to continue sinning:
Ahead of me I could see something like an immense cave which gradually disappeared into recesses sunk far into the bowels of the mountains. They were all ablaze, but theirs was not an earthly fire with leaping tongues of flames. The entire cave --walls, ceiling, floor, iron, stones, wood, and coal – everything was a glowing white at temperatures of thousands of degrees. Yet the fire did not incinerate, did not consume. I simply can’t find words to describe the cavern’s horror. “The nourishment thereof is fire and much wood: the breath of the Lord as a torrent of brimstone kindling it.” (Isaias 30: 33)
I was staring in bewilderment about me when a lad dashed out of a gate. Seemingly unaware of anything else, he emitted a most shrilling scream, like one who is about to fall into a cauldron of liquid bronze, and plummeted into the center of the cave. Instantly he too became incandescent and perfectly motionless, while the echo of his dying wail lingered for an instant more.
Not the place I want to go, I can tell you that!
The little children of Fatima were shown Hell and it made such a dramatic impact on the little ones that they offered the rest of their little lives for ‘poor sinners’ so that they would be spared the visit. Sr. Lucia to this day offers her life for poor sinners. She is 97!!

That’s all we need to know really. We certainly need to make sure that we never see it!!!

That’s all we need to know really. We certainly need to make sure that we never see it!!!

But what of those that do see it? I find I get deeply troubled, that people accept this as a reality. A reality that individuals will experience because they sinned while during thier short stay on earth. It troubles me to the point of questioning my faith. So terribly and deeply disturbuing. Not the hell, the seeming casual acceptance that our human brothers and sisters will find themselves there. I know I will get flammed for expressing my opinion (i have before) but it lacks all logic. Nobody, nobody, nobody deserves this fate. Oh this troubles me so much!!!

I, in my mind, could not justify a homicidal torturous maniac this punishment (if it were time limited I could but it is not), let alone someoone who missed a sunday mass and didn’t repent, or maybe looked too lustfully at another individual…etc. How can this possibly be so?
Nobody, nobody, nobody deserves this fate. Oh this troubles me so much!!!

I, in my mind, could not justify a homicidal torturous maniac this punishment (if it were time limited I could but it is not), let alone someoone who missed a sunday mass and didn’t repent, or maybe looked too lustfully at another individual…etc. How can this possibly be so?
We simply have no idea, no concept whatever, of just how much even a venial sin offends God. But we can try, to some extent. Even here on earth, some of our actions are considered worse, depending on who the actions offend. Take, for instance, the killing of a Cardinal, of the Pope, of the President of a country. Now, let us consider God. Even the slightest sin offends Him infinitely, because He is infinite.

Missing a Sunday Mass is an infinite insult to God. We may think - oh, I just don’t feel like it today, no big thing - because we are looking at the offence from our finite, fallen point of view.

But, we are saying to God - I don’t care about you at all. I don’t care that you created me. That you keep me in existence evvery moment of my life. That you love me. That Jesus was crucified for love of me.

Remember, God doesn’t send anyone to Hell. We choose to go.
How can this possibly be so?
Because the person who ends up there chose to be there. All the pleas and information provided to them through the course of their life were rejected, rejecting the one who sent then (Jesus).
Because the person who ends up there chose to be there. All the pleas and information provided to them through the course of their life were rejected, rejecting the one who sent then (Jesus).
With all due respect Davidv, this statement is exactly what troubles me so much. Of course, no individual would choose, to go to the place described in this thread. Not if, they knew the extent of the torture. Noboody! It is contrary to logic. Who would choose to have thier skin burned off thier bones over and over again for eternity?

This is why i feel I do not get any truly logical feedback from this topic. Who, would CHOSE this? the answer is nobody.
I believe that if you choose a certain way your entire life, then at the moment of your death, you’ll do the same.

The fatima visions were fairly horrific. Check out the before (the vision of hell) and after pictures of those poor children.
What do we know about hell?

I’m rarely asked what I know about hell.

I’m usually asked **“What the hell do *you * know?” ** 😃
With all due respect Davidv, this statement is exactly what troubles me so much. Of course, no individual would choose, to go to the place described in this thread. Not if, they knew the extent of the torture. Noboody! It is contrary to logic. Who would choose to have thier skin burned off thier bones over and over again for eternity?

This is why i feel I do not get any truly logical feedback from this topic. Who, would CHOSE this? the answer is nobody.
Why is this so hard to believe? For example; are not the dangers and hazards of smoking well known and documented? Yet millions do so in spite of the likinghood of cancer and other diseases. Most who have these diseases wouldn’t wish them on their worst enemy. The basic problem is those choose to sin do so because they want to live life their way, not God’s way. As a result they suffer the natural consequences.
Why is this so hard to believe? For example; are not the dangers and hazards of smoking well known and documented? Yet millions do so in spite of the likinghood of cancer and other diseases. Most who have these diseases wouldn’t wish them on their worst enemy. The basic problem is those choose to sin do so because they want to live life their way, not God’s way. As a result they suffer the natural consequences.
davidv, The difference is monumental. The reason for disbelief is clear. Cancer kills. Death is (from a secular viewpoint) and end, terminal. Hell is everlasting. Davidv, it so very different, non-comparable. The hell we speak of here has no end, no way out.

There is simply no way of comparing the two. A few days months years of agony, to ETERNAL agony. Apples and oranges. Totally out of context. Too put this in perspective, run up a flight of stairs, realizing that when you become tired you can stop. The thin k of not being able to stop for ever. You must keep going for all eternity with no possiblity of parole. Then take it to the next level. You are on fire, not tilll you die, FOREVER! Am I the only one who can perceive this concept. it is eternal. Not a punsihment a horrific uncomprehendable notion.

The statement (from others not from you davidv) that we chose it, is frankly ridiculous. It’s a million fold more ridiculous then “choosing” to slowly cut off your (insert body part here) with a dull knife. over and over again for all eternity. Please please, respond with logic (those who choose to respond) NOBODY deserves it, and NOBODY chooses it!!! NOBODY!!!

The idea we chose it is a cop-out of an answer. I’m sure you can do better.
I just want to share a story with you about a friend of mine. He was happily married to a wonderful woman and they had six children. Then one day they found out his wife had a small tumor behind her ear. They thought it would be easily treated.

Her cancer continued to progress and less than 18 months later she had lost all her hair, was skin and bones, and struggling to breathe with oxygen. She was having hospice care and they knew her time on earth was limited.

When she passed from this world, she passed peacefully after having received the last Sacraments, and her family was assured of her having eternal life.

Yet, this man went through months and months of anguish and grief. He said sometimes the pain was so bad, he could barely take it.

This led him to frequent confession, because he shared with us the intense pain he felt in the separation from his beloved wife. He said if being in Hell, and experiencing separation from Our Lord, was anything like what he was experiencing in being separated from his wife, that he would do anything and everything to make sure he didn’t go to hell.

Because our experience is with our earthly bodies, we tend to think of suffering in physical terms. I know I have spoken with people who suffer from severe depression. They say they’d much rather have more physical pain and less mental anguish.

I believe it is spiritual anguish we will experience in being separated from Our Lord. It is most likely the worst anguish in the world, and something we perhaps receive only a glimpse of on earth.

I agree, that I will do everything to cooperate with the grace of God in hope of eternal life in His presence.
I forgot to add that one important thing we can do for all sinners is to pray for them! One of the saints said that a sinner might be spared hell if only someone would pray for them. The Fatima prayer is a beautiful one, often said during the Rosary:

"Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy."

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is also a wonderful prayer for all souls.
The Barrister said:
What do we know about hell?

I’m rarely asked what I know about hell.

I’m usually asked **“What the hell do *you ***know?” 😃

Funny, I thought I was the only one who got asked that question!
As for what we know:

The souls of those who die in the condition of personal grievous sin enter Hell. (De fide. )
The punishment of Hell lasts for all eternity. (De fide.)
The punishment of the damned is proportioned to each one’s guilt. (Sent. communis.)
The bodies of the godless will rise again in incorruption and immortality, but they will not be transfigured. (Sent. certa.)

I was taught that hell is a state in which, after seeing God after death , one is banished from Him for all eternity. The anguish of experiencing something so magnificent and almighty and fair and loving, then being sent away forever to hell. Does that make sense?
Little Mary:
I was taught that hell is a state in which, after seeing God after death , one is banished from Him for all eternity. The anguish of experiencing something so magnificent and almighty and fair and loving, then being sent away forever to hell. Does that make sense?
YES! Thank you Mary, that I can buy.
I just want to share a story with you about a friend of mine. He was happily married to a wonderful woman and they had six children. Then one day they found out his wife had a small tumor behind her ear. They thought it would be easily treated.

Her cancer continued to progress and less than 18 months later she had lost all her hair, was skin and bones, and struggling to breathe with oxygen. She was having hospice care and they knew her time on earth was limited.

When she passed from this world, she passed peacefully after having received the last Sacraments, and her family was assured of her having eternal life.

Yet, this man went through months and months of anguish and grief. He said sometimes the pain was so bad, he could barely take it.

This led him to frequent confession, because he shared with us the intense pain he felt in the separation from his beloved wife. He said if being in Hell, and experiencing separation from Our Lord, was anything like what he was experiencing in being separated from his wife, that he would do anything and everything to make sure he didn’t go to hell.

Because our experience is with our earthly bodies, we tend to think of suffering in physical terms. I know I have spoken with people who suffer from severe depression. They say they’d much rather have more physical pain and less mental anguish.

I believe it is spiritual anguish we will experience in being separated from Our Lord. It is most likely the worst anguish in the world, and something we perhaps receive only a glimpse of on earth.

I agree, that I will do everything to cooperate with the grace of God in hope of eternal life in His presence.
Here too I can find solice in this. THIS makes sense. And God Bless your friend. I pray for the day he can be reunited with his beloved wife.
As for what we know:

The souls of those who die in the condition of personal grievous sin enter Hell. (De fide. )
The punishment of Hell lasts for all eternity. (De fide.)
The punishment of the damned is proportioned to each one’s guilt. (Sent. communis.)
The bodies of the godless will rise again in incorruption and immortality, but they will not be transfigured. (Sent. certa.)

Hope so! Thank you Justin
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