What Do You Know About New Zealand?

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The only thing I know about New Zealand is that the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed there.
Maori, New Zealand Sign Language and English all hold official language status. (Also, I have a hard time telling Aussie accents from Kiwi accents).
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Yes, that’s right.

Australian accents are very similar to New Zealand accents but we can tell the difference.

Australian accents are more nasal.
You know, it’s okay some people can’t tell Americans and Canadians apart. Even some Americans and Canadians.
Canadians always have a certain way of saying the word ‘about’. They pronounce it ‘aboot’.

Nice to see you back, @adamhovey1988
One word that differentiates the Australian accent to New Zealand accent is the number six.

The sheep jokes are an Australian thing that is shared with both countries across the Tasman Sea
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You should really go to Minnesota, because they do not sound that different. I haven’t been to Minnesota in years, but I remember meeting a guy from there not too long ago, and I thought he was Canadian before I thought he was Minnesotan
You should really go to Minnesota, because they do not sound that different. I haven’t been to Minnesota in years, but I remember meeting a guy from there not too long ago, and I thought he was Canadian before I thought he was Minnesotan
I have Canadian citizenship through my mother, which we’re hoping to sort out this year through the local Canadian embassy.

If I ever do move to Canada, then maybe I’ll go to Minnesota one day.

Although, to be honest, I don’t think that Minnesota would be on the top to do list of any trip to the United States.
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Last time I was there, I was 4, which is weird since I’ve lived in Iowa which borders Minnesota, as recently as 13. Then again, Davenport’s not exactly near Minnesota. I remember it was snowing, but that’s not saying much in Minnesota, heck that’s not even saying that much in Iowa.
A lot of good runners came from New Zealand. John Walker, Rod Dixon and Dick Quax, to name a few. Coach Percy Cerruti. Some good race walkers lately, like Alana Barber and Quentin Rew.
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