What do you think about these ideas on the perfect creation of man and Gods love? What are your ideas etc?

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My dear friends

I’ve just been thinking as follows and would like your opinions and contribution on this subject too.
In order for God to create a perfect world and beings He had to create beings ( us ) who would rebel. The reason for this is that God is infinite Love and the greatest expression of love is sacrifice. The greatest sacrifice is infinite sacrifice. If we never rebeled God would not have been able to show us His infinite love for us by His infinite sacrifice on the cross.
God loves us with an infinite love and knew we would rebel and this would cause an automatic reaction from God where He would respond with an expression of infinite sacrifice. In order for our world and us to be perfect we had to rebel. The whole thing is really a mystery though. This is just some thoughts on the perfection of God and how that relates to us. I think I’ll tie this in to my refutation of evolution too.

What do you think?

God bless:thumbsup:🙂
Perfect! I believe it must be true, since that is what God did. Good job! 👍
The Eastenr Christian teaching is that Adam and Eve fell not from perfection but from undeveloped innocence. They were to grow into perfection.

And if the Fall had not happened, the Incarnation still would have taken place, because God wanted to be as closely united and indentified with the creation He loves so much.
God didn’t have to give us free-will. But He wanted to. Out of love. So in a sense, being Love itself, He was compelled to create us free creatures. But He could have chosen to not give us free-will. Just as He did not give irrational creatures, whom He loves, free-will.

God knew everything that would happen in creation for eternity. He knew the beginning, He knew man’s and angel’s reaction to Him, He knew how some would be saved and others would be damned, He knew what they what they would like and dislike, He knew every life and every minute, and He knew the end, and every action, thought, and word throughout eternity. Everything He foreknew. And since all time is one before God, from the beginning of creation, He was united to every single soul - so He would journey along with every soul and all mankind in their lives and time, from one momet to the next and one event to the next and one action to the next and so on and so forth - in light of the Mystery of the Incarnation, whereby God became man, assuming humanity to Himself without changing His Divinity. Because of this, God not only forekew everything but also knows everything in time and space, so, for example, right now, He knows your thoughts, just as He foreknew them from eternity. Because of His Omniscience, God was able to create a world on a journey, a world created very good and which He will make perfect, just as He created man very good and who is now a journey, a journey to perfection or consummation, under the guidance of God and under the influence of His creature’s acts, for God is ultimately in charge, though man’s actions do have an effect on himself and on creation, given that these actions are real, not imaginary.
The Eastenr Christian teaching is that Adam and Eve fell not from perfection but from undeveloped innocence. They were to grow into perfection.

And if the Fall had not happened, the Incarnation still would have taken place, because God wanted to be as closely united and indentified with the creation He loves so much.
My dear friend
I’m not familiar with your teaching. I would need your definitions of undeveloped innocence and perfection to comment… I invite you to tell me. I’d like to hear.
What is your definition of growing into perfection? Are you speaking of knowledge etc. I think they were endowed with sanctifying grace and the preternatural gifts which meant they were pretty perfect before the fall, Def follows-

**PRETERNATURAL GIFTS. **Favors granted by God above and beyond the powers or capacities of the nature that receives them but not beyond those of all created nature. Such gifts perfect nature but do not carry it beyond the limits of created nature. They include three great privileges to which human beings have no title -infused knowledge, absence of concupiscence, and bodily immortality. Adam and Eve possessed these gifts before the Fall.

God bless:thumbsup:🙂
God didn’t have to give us free-will. But He wanted to. Out of love. So in a sense, being Love itself, He was compelled to create us free creatures. But He could have chosen to not give us free-will. Just as He did not give irrational creatures, whom He loves, free-will.

God knew everything that would happen in creation for eternity. He knew the beginning, He knew man’s and angel’s reaction to Him, He knew how some would be saved and others would be damned, He knew what they what they would like and dislike, He knew every life and every minute, and He knew the end, and every action, thought, and word throughout eternity. Everything He foreknew. And since all time is one before God, from the beginning of creation, He was united to every single soul - so He would journey along with every soul and all mankind in their lives and time, from one momet to the next and one event to the next and one action to the next and so on and so forth - in light of the Mystery of the Incarnation, whereby God became man, assuming humanity to Himself without changing His Divinity. Because of this, God not only forekew everything but also knows everything in time and space, so, for example, right now, He knows your thoughts, just as He foreknew them from eternity. Because of His Omniscience, God was able to create a world on a journey, a world created very good and which He will make perfect, just as He created man very good and who is now a journey, a journey to perfection or consummation, under the guidance of God and under the influence of His creature’s acts, for God is ultimately in charge, though man’s actions do have an effect on himself and on creation, given that these actions are real, not imaginary.
My dear friend

Thank you for that.

God bless:thumbsup:🙂
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