What do you think about this?

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Scott Waddell:
Could you please give a little more detail about the link you want us to follow?

Two deaf lesbian looked for man´s semen who was deaf, for being a deaf son like them, it´s very sad. The story I wanted to comment, only.
  1. lesbian lifestyle is NOT normal and certainly shouldn’t be encouraged
  2. being deaf is not normal health either - it’s a defect, like being born without a limb or diabetes
  3. why would anyone in good conscience want anything less than the best health for their child?!
Some people say, but they were BORN that way - therefore that is normal for them and should be okay! I disagree. If any of my children were born without, oh let’s say, legs - would I love this child? Of course! Would I do everything I could to help them attain a healthier life and mobility? You bet!

Now let’s say I decide for some sick reason I’d rather have a child without legs because I don’t have legs and misery likes company. So I go find some quack of a dr. to cut off his/her legs for me. oh the outcry I hope there would be! This is no different, in my opinion.
That is pretty sick…and disturbing that someone would think that way…
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