Questioning is, and must be, part of the scientific process. Pride has led many scientist astray. However, like a large body where many part work, and some don’t, progress is made only when seeing the whole. That is why we do not use leeches by candlelight to heal people. Of course there will be errors in climate science, and pride will lead to those errors.Or pride could be blinding many within the scientific community and questioning is met with derision as exemplified by snide remarks evident in this own thread.
On the other hand, when industry promotes these rabbit trails as some evidence that climate science is worthless, then those that want to believe, will believe. When leaders cry “fake news” to tickle the ears of their base, then those who want to be tickled, will believe that all climate change is fake. America will then follow the steps of other once great empires into oblivion, weaving its destruction, while taking a chunk of the world with us.
I understand it is hard to know who to believe in a world so chock full of opinions, and so devoid of wisdom. The Church, and its shepherd, has responded difficulty by giving us Laudato Si, to which many Catholics have responded, No.
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