I looked this up. She is a high school graduate…
This, again, is part of the problem. Many of the so-called scientists that deny climate change, aren’t. There have been three mentioned on this thread which were journalist or commentators, presented as though their opinions were evidence.
Actually, no one claimed Candace Owen is a scientist, and she would likely be the first to deny that she is one.
I think @1chlctrth was merely making the claim that leftists attack anyone who holds an opinion that differs from the politically correct one.
That attack has been extended to climate scientists who dissent from the global warming hysteria. Bill Nye, (AKA “the science guy”) declared that climate change deniers ought to be jailed. And that from someone who isn’t even a climatologist. seems like his is a dangerous opinion.
@LeafByNiggle claims that the Michael Mann case was about defamation, it was also a test case regarding whether a scientist questioning the scientific findings or conclusions of prima donna scientists like Michael Mann amounts to defamation or slander.
As to the “part of the problem” being those who aren’t scientists expressing opinions about scientific matters, you need to speak to people such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Greta Thunberg and numerous celebrities and politicians such as AOC who have no real expertise on the issue but yet feel compelled to become activists and promote massive political and cultural change on little more than a rudimentary understanding.
At least the members of this forum who express their opinions are not traveling the globe and marshalling large numbers of people or raising billions of dollars to promote massive change. They are merely expressing opinions.
Perhaps you ought to save your ire for those who do more than merely express their opinions, even when those opinions come from those, as you say, who “present their opinions as evidence.” DiCaprio, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, most of the Democratic candidates for president, Bill Nye, and numerous others come to mind.
When are you going to post decrying all of those individuals presenting their opinions as if they are indisputable to justify massive political, social and cultural change?
I guess my response to you, in a nutshell, would be that if those opinionated individuals can declare their bloviating as the last word on climate change, individuals holding the opposite view ought to be just as free to voice their opinions to the contrary; along with refusing to fork over their hard earned money to green new deals.
The crux of the matter is that the alarmists have made global warming a political issue, one that affects the livelihood and lifestyles of everyone. That means everyone ought to have an informed opinion, the debate ought to be vigorous, and the case proved beyond a shadow of any reasonable doubt. It hasn’t.
Besides which, basing a conclusion just on the available scientific evidence, my opinion is that those who dissent from global warming alarmism have a far more compelling case.