You’ve shown one side of the coin. How about showing the other. As in the scientific proof stating the opposite.
the goal of science is to find the root cause (of some effect)
therefore a truthful proof showing the opposite side of the coin
(indicating that mankind isn’t causing climate change) does not seem possible,… this is because all the hard scientific evidence I’ve seen leads me to the same place/conclusion over and over again (as in a Möbius strip which is a one-sided nonorientable surface)
as I said, I frame the issue as being
anxiety and hubris of activists/believers (on both sides of the CC debate) who don’t want to admit they might be wrong vs what science is actually saying!!!
the scientific idea of an existential threat associated w/ CC is something few willingly face head on BUT because before attending a public university to get “a useless physics sheepskin” (as my dad would jokingly say), I had the benefit of going to catholic school(s),… point being, had to take a number of religion classes where I reminded throughout my formidable years, that life is terminal, greed is a sin that one should always avoided AND that “grief” can lead to paralysis if one does not recognize the big picture
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I’ve never taken a psych class but what seems to be the case is, lots of willful denial that climate change exists (and/or that the cause is mankind) because doing so allows the status quo to continue
deep down I’m guessing many people have a gut feeling something isn’t kosher w/ what is happening, so this causes various degrees of emotional anxiety
amateur psychoanalysis aside,… since there is overwhelming hard evidence provided by various fields of science (AKA the overused mainstream media soundbite phrases “settled science” or “97% consensus”),… the pope rightfully has used his prerogative of being leader of the catholic flock to try and teach people that there is a moral obligation we owe future generations good stewardship (to preserve natural resources and the environment)
…recognize climate change as a moral issue. When done in this forum, he will be speaking with a groundbreaking level of papal authority on the subject, calling people of faith and goodwill to address this challenge.
This encyclical will have the ability to inspire faith-based environmental action and make a positive change in the world. However, this will only happen if Catholics recognize the authority of the document and receive its teaching accordingly.
Papal authority and climate change: Preparing for Pope Francis' encyclical