What do you think of climate change?

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Said another way - Many don’t trust the DoD…

Put 'em on the side or even back burner - as answer to your question
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[What do you think of climate change?]

Do Climate Changes to the Cold concern … more than Climate Changes to the Warm?
According to our own Department of Defense here in the States, they project that as many as two billion people will be heavily affected negatively by climate change, so aren’t they important or do we just blow them off?
And the CIA in 1974 wrote exhaustively about how global cooling was going to destabilize the nations of the world because of threats to the global food supply.

It didn’t happen.


The world’s food supply is more stable now than ever, thanks to the increase in atmospheric CO2.


And if the policies of the green new deal and the UN are implemented far more than 2 billion people will be impacted negatively. That is, of course, what population control people like Paul Ehrlich, Ban ki-Moon and Jeffrey Sachs want in the end.

If you are still uncertain about who really is calling for population control and reduction, all you need do is ask which political party advocates for all of these:
  • Higher taxation of parents who have too many children
  • Contraception
  • Abortion
  • Changing status of women causing departure from traditional sexual division of labour.
  • Sterilization
  • One-child and two-child policies, and other policies restricting or discouraging births directly.
  • Family planning
  • Migration from rural areas to urban areas: having more children is financially more beneficial (for farming families, …) in rural areas than in urban areas
  • Create alternative family “role models”
  • Changes to immigration policies
  • Emigration
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So God kills even innocent children because some people in society do wrong? Sorry, but I cannot accept that because that turns God into a pathological maniac.
Every human being ends up dying of some cause or other. Does that mean God is a pathological maniac?
The world’s food supply is more stable now than ever, thanks to the increase in atmospheric CO2.

CO2 Science

And… If the Climate gets Warmer - the food supply shall increase…

And If the Climate becomes significantly Colder? That’s when our food heartaches begin.
The effects of drought and flooding, which is a byproduct of climate change because of the extra heat energy, greater evaporation, and changes in precipitation patterns, are already being felt worldwide. However, these effects are not uniform but can vary from one region to another.

Also, Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change (“Laudato Si”) is really quite clear: https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/encyclical, and it is binding on Catholic theologians.
No, it will not.
I dunno…
All things being equal - such as rainfall…
On this planet of many Climate Zones,
Warm and Lushness go hand in hand

But Rather than go back and forth on that…

Would you settle for Food indeed grows better when the levels of CO2 are higher? 🙂
I believe that climate change is clearly a grave issue in the world that we as Christians must fight so that we can save ourselves from rising sea levels and temperatures.
No, it will not.
I dunno…
All things being equal - such as rainfall…
On this planet of many Climate Zones,
Warm and Lushness go hand in hand

But Rather than go back and forth on that…

Would you settle for Food indeed grows better when the levels of CO2 are higher? 🙂
I will settle for the fact the in commercial greenhouses under very controlled conditions so that everything else is maintained at optimal, they sometimes add CO2 to the air to stimulate growth. But that has no applicability outside of a commercial greenhouse where all the other factors can be controlled. In the real world, lots of things change at once, including insect pests. They also do better in warmer weather. That can be very detrimental to a crop.
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I will settle for the fact the in commercial greenhouses under very controlled conditions so that everything else is maintained at optimal, they sometimes add CO2 to the air to stimulate growth.
It’s actually accomplished quite easily… even by GREENhorns …

Yes - CO2 is GREEN…

In the Real World, Warm Climes w/Rain - are preferred by any Flora and most all Fauna.

In the Real World - Excessive COLD has always been a bane to LIFE…

We used to have fire warning ratings in Australia from high to very high to severe to extreme. In the last few years we have had to add another. ‘Extreme’ didn’t cover it. We now have ‘Catastrophic’ which effectively means there is no hope of controlling the fire. Leave now as there is a very high chance that deaths will occur. Sydney experienced that rating for the first time ever just two weeks ago.

This is not normal.
A few high temps are par for the course. But it’s a combination of a variety of effects that are causing the problem. There’s something called the FFDI (the Forest Fire Danger Index) and it’s a fact that we are now experiencing well above average or record breaking fire conditions over most of the country.

climate change deniers in political leadership positions have really screwed things up by deliberately ignoring the various warning signs uncovered by science
Bushfires Are Raging Outside Every Major City in Australia. They’re Only Going to Get Worse

…a fire tracker map maintained by researchers in Western Australia, shows that they are also threatening areas around every major city in the country

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…Despite the bushfire crisis, Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison has argued that there is no direct link between Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and the severity of the fires burning across the country. However, he acknowledged that climate change could be impacting bushfires. Australia is one of the highest per capita emitters of carbon dioxide in the world, according to Climate Analytics, an advocacy group that tracks climate data.

…the bushfire crisis has “fundamentally shifted” the climate debate in Australia. He and other climate change activists believe Morrison’s position on the country’s greenhouse gas emissions is hindering the government’s ability to tackle the bushfire criss.

Australia Bushfire Map: Fires Rage Outside Every Major City | Time
sadly wildfires here in my home state are an unappreciated catastrophic risk that has been caused by a cultural outlook that is unwilling and unable to muster the fortitude AND intellect which are the two necessary traits required to address the problems associated w/ climate change

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What I disapprove of are unsubstantiated and disparaging assertions about those who disagree with you. On the other hand, it is what one has come to expect from the crowd pushing AGW.
pushing AGW???

summarizing this thread, seems a root cause of climate change denial is due to fear, doubt and ignorance of basic science,… along w/ faith??? because there exists the sin of PRIDE (i.e. excessive belief in one’s own abilities)

IOW it has been well documented people do not understand the basic “science”

AGW isn’t disputed by anyone who knows a lick about the science
so WRT “faith” and the idea of the scientific method
Pride is the excessive love of one’s own excellence. It is ordinarily accounted one of the seven capital sins.

simply put

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now looking at the catholic capital sin of GLUTTONY (i.e. an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires)

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in a consumer society which is powered by fossil-fuel we see

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basically from what I learned long ago in one of my catholic high school religion classes, appears GLUTTONY should be considered a sin associated w/ climate change denial because too often there appears to be an excessive desire for food, etc. which causes items to be withheld from the needy along w/ harming creation
there is an expression “the truth hurts…”

but as I see things, it is better than the alternative which is being comforted with a lie AND having problems compound
bottom line,… the source of the talking points you bring up leaves a lot to be desired WRT science (along w/ teaching of faith as I understand things)
Overall, we rate Watts Up with That a strong pseudoscience and conspiracy website based on the promotion of consistent human influenced climate denialism propaganda.

Watts Up with That - Media Bias/Fact Check
so even though this forum is not usually associated w/ higher scientific learning, all reading this should consider
Why and how to debate climate change

…There is rising concern about the narrowness of students’ educational experiences and their lack of exposure to people and/or views with which they disagree. There is also growing evidence of online echo chambers and strong social sorting feeding the rise of identity politics and populism in many societies. We owe our students a learning experience which exposes and explains the reasons for answering in different ways the challenging questions posed by climate change.

summarizing this thread, seems a root cause of climate change denial is due to fear, doubt and ignorance of basic science,… along w/ faith??? because there exists the sin of PRIDE (i.e. excessive belief in one’s own abilities)
Another conclusion based not on evidence but intuition.
IOW it has been well documented people do not understand the basic “science”
Endlessly repeating this empty charge doesn’t make it true. You keep asserting it but you’ve done nothing to demonstrate its validity. Other than saying “I know more than you” you really don’t have much of a position.
Some here would argue to doomsday
as if what one thinks about Climate is more important than Salvation?

Dozens of Dire Predictions e.g.,
Such as Waters Inundating NYC and No More Snow in England
have not come to pass.

With 10’s of Trillions connected w/Carbon Taxation - some follow the Money Trail for Truth

I take a wait and see approach…

For the past 4.4 Billion years, Earth’s Climate has Always been Changing…

In the beginning? WAY HOT!

Then there was Millions of Years of SNOWBALL EARTH
It seems to me that it’s just plane old common sense and well established science that when put together indicates that we should not ignore either and now take steps to not only reduce global warming but also to reduce pollution levels, conserve resources, etc.

IOW, there’s nothing to be lost by doing this and probably a lot to be gained. This is about as close to being a “no-brainer” decision as one could possibly hope for.
and now take steps to not only reduce global warming but also to reduce pollution levels, conserve resources, etc.
I’m with you on the second two, the first is just fear mongering

Britain should be ‘siberian’ by the end of the week, not sure where all that famine will hit in the next day though.
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From the DoD:
The Military Departments noted the presence or not of current and potential
vulnerabilities to each installation over the next 20 years, selecting from the events listed below.
Note that the congressional request established the 20-year timeframe.
Climate-Related Events
• Recurrent Flooding
• Drought
• Desertification
• Wildfires
• Thawing Permafrost
Military Department (name removed by moderator)ut on the 79 installations is included in the Appendix, which is
sorted by Military Service. In preparing (name removed by moderator)ut for the Appendix, the Military Services were free
to select information sources they deemed relevant…
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