What do you think of Harry Potter Novels?

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Like one of my earlier posts stated, some of my wariness to HP is not only the magic but the morals that are portrayed. Taking the Lord’s name in vain, etc…

*Despite all the good things that can and should be said about Harry Potter (i.e., that it’s helping children read), concerned parents should consider what these books say. Repeatedly, the Harry Potter books promulgate lying, cheating, stealing, disobedience, and revenge – to name a few. The morality is distinctly pagan; the virtues when dissected read as Machiavelli for kids. People are either good or bad depending on someone’s outside arbitrary judgement, rather than on their actions. Harry and Voldemort both extract vengeance, but Harry – being dubbed the hero – can do no wrong, even when he sins time and again. Whatever will gain him his goal will justify the means he uses – whether that be lying or telling the truth. Further, Harry takes only one responsibility upon himself – revenge for his parents upon Voldemort and his minions – but that sort of responsibility should not rest solely on any child’s shoulder. Rowling, apparently, doesn’t agree with this. *
But where does the line get drawn?

When does even going under the name of fiction become too evil and should be banned from being read?

Is it at the da vinci code? or harry potter? or new age books?

Satan is good at being evil, he knows how to slip in and how much he can push at a time, he knows how to soften people up to different ideas, he can either slip in silently through the back door, or come through the front door as the angel of light.

When does the name fiction not become enough to cover up the evil plot behind it?

It comes down to where does the line get drawn?

Satan is very real and very dangerous, do not underestimate his abilities, but also do not give him too much credit.
The distinction I’m referring to is human characters doing magic, performing spells, etc… Elizabeth Montgomery’s character was, again, not human. She was a witch, not mortal. Dorothy, in Wizard of Oz, didn’t perform spells or magic except at the end where she used the ruby slippers, to get home. That might be why Harry Potter, where human characters are using magical powers, is controversial.
harry is a wizard…the male version of a witch. hes no more human than elizabeth montgomerys character
Evil is real. The devil is real. There is a whole culture out there that embraces witchcraft, ouiji boards, talking to the dead, fortune telling, etc. The devil is sneaky. He is good at sneaking in under our radar. Children and adults read the same things with a much different understanding. Bottom line: Why would you want to risk getting your kids overly interested in these things when it isn’t necessary? I like my kids to wear bike helmets and I also like to watch what goes in their heads. Things they watch, read, listen to, and experience all become a part of them. I want to fill my kids up with good things. They will have plenty of chances to experience other things when they are grown and out on their own. I won’t take any chances with my kids’ souls.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
+JMJI do have to say I agree with you Lori on looking after what is going into our kids heads. Evil is real and I do believe that it is one of the biggest lies of this world telling us that evil is not real and it is ok to dabble into things that are really not “that bad”.
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