It could be that your original belief was actually true, but you are unable to hold to it in the face of insurmountable evidence of this new belief (which may itself be false, but you are rationally convinced it is true).
Lets establish some realities about this existance first so we can determine what we are dealing with, then we investigate the senstivity and caring of all concerned.
a/Justice is claimed to be God’s, but it should be ours because it applies to us, and he can still claim to be a victim in it and still achieve his end. This in keeping with the Church’s sanction that democratic judicial systems are adequate. We are to believe in this particular area where simple belief of it’s adequate function too needs to be … yes, believed.
We are to believe for our sakes and all this perceived injustice will be presented to us later in it’s pure reasoning, if we warrant it. Then later when shown, we are to feel sheepish and silly on how we have doubted it all along. The concern is a valid one. It is supposedly part and parcel of the Deposit of the Faith. I say that itself is injust, justice should be seen working by all men regardless of state. The Church exists here in peace in part by the democratic system we know.
b/Christ died aware he was a King, but he suffered like any common man. We are to believe then, if his case is indeed a reasonable cross section of common men, then anxiety of his true state of acceptance would be a concern to him. He would have been “hopeful” that he obtain heaven.
Practically, a common man would have achieved some milestone on his way to maturing Faith, but not it’s full measure.(Cor). Then we are assured Jesus was a man who had acheived some milestone in his Faith but not it’s full measure.
c/As a person subject to justice, then the subject is of keen interest to me as it is my obligation to monitor it. Doing our job, I/we therefore can test it to ensure it works as it should. Reaching for our checkoff list, we start with enities that it applies to and the form they have taken to offend. Man’s form is individual and material. Society’s form is collective and material. Angelic form is spiritual and individual.
We go on to cases.
1/Unrepentant man commits mortal sin as an individual form, therefore gets judged and sentenced to damnation in this form.
2/Unrepentant angels receive the same.
…we should then see…
3/Unrepentant Society(the norm for society even) receiving justice **in the form it has chosen to sin, **and damned colletivelybut alas there is a problem. We can’t be witnessing special handling can we.? This can only occur in our fallible world, with corrupt judges, we say. The cases are dispersed to the individual components of society to judge the participation of each.
So you are asking me to believe everything, when the risk is all mine and failure brings a billion times the scale of any collective sin that any society could commit.? Your loved one goes to hell and a society who agrees to genocide in the thousands of a segment of their society gets the privledge of having it’s form dispersed to individuals for convenience judging.? Are we being faulted because of our physical nature as it applies to candidates for dispersal?
You ask that I believe when not one person in the eons of civilization has attained perfection that hasn’t deliberately made so? (“Be perfect…”)
You ask I believe when demonic beings are simply allowed parole in the galaxy at their leisure for sins of the claimed same measure a human is locked into for infinite restrictive selective torture.? The final rub when we discover they saw God and were at the top echelons of the executive ladder? Favoritism?
And we are to believe we are loved more than them.?
We are to believe of this deal when we are all created and come into existance stigmatised, worst still, some marked for non-acceptance (reprobated).?
Which am I before I even try? Besides, what’s all this about fraternal caring that other’s surrendered their belief about that this wouldn’t apply.? Wouldn’t you want a person to know, and wouldn’t he have the right to know that you’ve got it in for them?
So explain for me these problems, in the sensual and experiencial method that I am capable of comprehending, and I will believe that which goes beyond the Credo.
Simple task isn’t it.?