What does it take to convince you otherwise?

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We’re always biased to the beliefs we are accustomed to. …
Believe me, I know how extremely hard it is to leave one’s beliefs, but I think people need to try to be as objective as possible, and if the evidence leans against what you believe, then you should change your beliefs.
It’s not what prompted me to start this thread, but this goes along with a book I’m actually reading right now. So maybe the book brought it out of my subconscious.

I’m reading “The Road Less Traveled” by M. Scott Peck. He talks about how many psychological problems that inflict people come as a result of the person not redrawing their “map” as the situations in their life change, and as they acquire more information about the world and life.

Being dependent on one’s parents as a child is perfectly normal, but it is not the permanent state for a healthy person growing to maturity. They will eventually have to gradually become less dependent and more independent.

If a person battles against accepting something they are convinced of (particularly if they battle against a truth), it can play havoc on their life. But I suppose, if they battle against something false, they could emerge better for it.
To answer one of your questions, I would say that when a person’s will and reason is enlightened to believe a truth, God will not accept a “No” from that person as anything except rejection of His merciful offer of growth. For instance, God calls a person to enter into the Covenant of Christ, and that man rejects God, there are no excuses that will work.
Curious. Does anything about an existing God needs to be in place before you would give him your allegiance or accept heaven.?

God accepts "no"s from specific entitys, depends how high up on the echelon you are. Self preservation seems to kick in whenever the day needs to be saved.

But I think we can agree. We will always equate to a positive, either immediately or eventually no matter what.

Interesting talk. 👍

Well I’m a presuppositionalist so I believe everybody knows in their heart that there is a God. That doesn’t mean they would all believe in the Trinitarian Christian God, but in general a higher power or powers.

What we know in our heart and accept with our mind are often 2 different things. Hence, the evil of self-deception, both deliberate and non-deliberate.
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