I know this is what Dr. William Lane Craig thinks. He also believes that God doesn’t actually see the future, but predicts it with 100% accuracy because of his omnipotence. God’s knowledge changes under this view according to ‘tensed’ facts, or what is occurring in the present moment.
However, under this view, if God knew the future with complete accuracy then would his knowledge really change? If I know for instance that at 2:59 it is going to be 3:00, does my knowledge change when it becomes 3:00? It wasn’t like 3:00 was a surprise. The only thing that has changed is that the state of 3:00 has been temporarily classified from ‘future’ event to ‘now’ event. And then, at 3:01 it would be classified as ‘past’ event. Yet, my knowledge of the event remained the same. Only the classification of the event has changed. But, even that you knew was going to happen.
At any rate if God sees all of time at once in an eternal now then such distinctions become obsolete.