What drew you to or back to Catholicism?

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I, a craddle Catholic, never ‘left the church’ as far as joining another denomination, but I did get ‘mad at God’ and stopped attending on a regular basis. This came about because I had married a woman had 6 children from a previous abusive relationship, (not marriage), with one man. We were married, against my family’s wishes and strong opposition, in the Catholic Church after she had taken instruction in the Faith.
After a few years getting the family, now grown to 9 children to church, on time, became a losing battle. There were pitched battles in the church parking lot about going in late. I would wind up, not going in to church, driving away angry.
About that time my brother-in-law said to me,“Jack, I don’t know anyone who walks and talks their religion as much as you do and gets sh**t on as much as you do! Look at me. I don’t pray. I don’t go to church and nothing happens to me. But look at you. If there is a black cloud around any where within 10 miles, it will be over your head. I don’t know why you go to church!”
I thought,“He’s right. Maybe I’m wrong. Six of them are not even my kids. I, knowingly, gave up a potentially prosperous future to raise another man’s kids for what? To be yelled at? To have everyone mad at me for insisting on Church? The hell with it. God, they’re Your children, not mine, if you want us in church, You get us there!” With this I quit going to church regularly and started living a more hedonistic life style.
I have an older sister who died at the age of 9 months many years before I was born. I always felt close to her, to me, she ‘was family’ and because of her age, and the sacrament of Baptism, in Heaven.
Shortly after my decision to ‘let God take care of His own instead of just sitting back in his easy chair, making up impossible to keep rules called the 10 commandments while laughing at us fools for trying to keep them, I received a visitor.
For some reason, I felt the visitor was my older deceased sister. The visitor came as a voice without sound, without gender in my head,
It said,"Jack, you have to get your family back to Church. You don’t know how greatly you are offending God.’
My response was,“Say what? Who’s offending who? I’m not offending God, God is offending me!”
The voice gently, sadly responded,“No you have it wrong. It is you who is offending God and if you do not get your family back to Church they will suffer much.”
My response? “Will I suffer?”
“No, not like your family while suffer. Your suffering will come because you will know why they are suffering and they will not believe you.”
“If I don’t change things now, will I be able to fix it later?”, I asked, still in my heart mad at God.
With much sadness in the ‘tone’ I heard,“Yes, but it will be much, much harder and I will not be able to come back to visit you any more.”
My response was,“Fine! I’ll wait.” and I went to sleep.
For the next fifteen years I attended church when and if I felt like it. Never went to confession and received Holy communion in a state of mortal sin many times. My family had myriad problems! Drugs, alchohol, abortions, criminal charges, financial!
In 1991, my mother started going to a place called Marmora, to pray. I would ask her why she was going there and she would reply,“It is a little Medjugorje” and I would say,“A little Medju what? What is a litlle medju whatever you said?” and she would just smile and say nothing.
Then I broke my arm. Had to have surgery to transplant a bone from my hip my wrist. This was the beginning of my return to the sacraments!
Around this time my mother, all breathless and excited said to me,“Jack, you will never guess what happened to me in Church today! God spoke to me and asked me to take two busloads of people to Marmora and I want you to help me.”
“Oh no,” I thought, "shades of Jimmy Jones and the suicide cult. These poor pathetic people who just have to feel that somehow, ‘they are closer to God’ and better than others, called to some ‘special mission’ who get caught up in these things. Don’t they know that they have everything they need, right here, in the Catholic Church? Don’t they know that Jesus said, ‘Where two or more are gathered in my name there am I also?’ But to para-phrase Nepolion who, I believe, said,‘I came. I saw. I conquered’, I thought,“I won’t say anything, I’ll go. I’ll see. I’ll condemn.”
This is already now too long a post, so let me say,"I went. I saw, (things I never expected to experience). I was conquered. Not all at once but this started my return back to the Church, her teachings and her sacraments.
I don’t have one specific thing I can point to that is drawing my to Catholicism, but rather a series of things. I’m in the process of starting a blog to journal my journey towards Catholicism, if you’d like to check it out (I’ve added the link in my signature - lets see if it shows up, lol!). I haven’t gotten the “story” up to the present yet - but I’m working on it (I just created it yesterday). Anyway - so rather than try to list it all here, check out the blog if you’re interested, and if not - then I haven’t wasted your time =)
I am a cradle Catholic, who was homeschooled in Catechism, and went to a Catholic school for grade 4-6. Still, I did not really learn much about my faith even though my mother was and is a very devout Catholic. We always attended Mass, and when I was bored, I used to count the flowers on the ladies’ dresses who sat in front of me.

Even though I feel like I didn’t learn much about Catholicism as a child, (it’s a really hard language to learn!) I guess my mom’s examples and teachings made enough of an impact on me that I always felt drawn to the Church. When I stopped going to Mass as teenager, I always felt something special whenever I passed by a Catholic Church. Now I know that what I felt was Jesus beckoning me from the Tabernacle.

I started going back to Mass with my Mom in my mid twenties. I had been married outside the Church and without knowing I shouldn’t, I went to receive Holy Communion. The priest came up to me after Mass and told me that a parishioner had mentioned to him that I should not receive Communion because of my marriage in a Protestant Church. As uncomfortable as this made me feel, to be embarrassed in front of everyone, it served a real purpose in my life and I slowly began to return to the Church.

A few years later, I feel like God directly intervened in my life, though, to truly get me on the right track. I have always been an avid reader, and when I moved to my current town, I drained the library of good books to read. (Think mindless entertainment). Now, I had to order books in from the parent library, and that took 2 weeks to receive them.

After awhile, the books simply stopped coming. I had nothing at all to read. I ran into a lady from our Catholic Church, and told her that the library was not sending me any books to read, and that they could not explain what kept happening to them. She said she would lend me some books. Lots of them. I gladly agreed, and she showed up at my house with 15-20 Catholic books! I read them all, and have been reading Catholic books ever since. I feel like I have learned a whole new language!

This encounter was the start of a real adult conversion for me, a seed that was planted years before when a concerned parishioner kept me from receiving Communion unworthily. The real seed was planted by my mother though, with her quiet, holy & humble approach to faith and life.
Agreed. My Mother drew me to the Holy Church as an adult. Her faith is astounding! I spoke to her on the phone last night, and we were discussing Tradtional Catholicism, and she made some very very valid points! She is a wonderful person. Very blessed by God!
I will be attending the Holy Latin Mass from now on. I came back
as a person wanting to attend the Traditonal Church, and Frank’s
traditions and values and strong beliefs also drew me to want to
be a Traditonal Catholic. For that is what he wants to be 🙂 I
love the Mass, and at times get teary eyed because it is so good
to be back! It truly is like coming home! Pope Pius X is amazing!
What a wonderful humble person he was! I did some reading at
wikipedia.org about him, and was simply fascinated! Amazing
human being! His body is incorrupt! Thanks to you all for sharing
your wonderful experiences with me, and the others here! May
Jesus Christ our beloved Savior always bless you, and keep you
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