What essential parts of Christianity are not found in Scripture?

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It is a fact that the Vatican is ‘vague’ because equally committed Roman Catholic individuals have come up with contradictory interpretations of what the nature and content of “Tradition” are.
C’mon, Strider… define “tradition” as you just used it in that sentence.

What if someone, using that same logic, says to you: “It is a fact that the Bible is ‘vague’ because equally committed Christians have come up with contradictory interpretations of what the nature and content…”

exporter -

On the threads I’ve posted on, it’s usually something like 12 Catholics against 1 me. Have patience…

Ah, BouleTheou, they are not against you, they are for you.
Greg -

Originally Posted by BouleTheou
*Give me some examples of essential doctrines of the Christian faith which are not taught in the pages of Scripture. *

I think the practice of the mass, the belief in Mary’s virginity, and ordination of priests and bishops are examples of Catholic Tradition.
Do the other Catholic posters here agree with Greg? The Mass is not taught in the pages of Scripture? Mary’s [he meant to say ‘perpetual’] virginity is not taught in the pages of Scripture? And ordination of the priests is not taught in the pages of Scripture?

Greg, why do professional Catholic apologists try to defend all of those teachings from Scripture on a regular basis if they are, as you have stated, not taught in the pages of Scripture?
The doctrine of Mary’s Immaculate Conception may have been formally declared until later
From the Catholic Encyclopedia:

"In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pius IX pronounced and defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary “in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin.”

1854 - yeah, I’d call that “later.”😃
and I am not sure to what extent the apostles reflected on this.
None whatsoever, all disparaging attempts to read it into kecharitomene in Luke 1:28 aside.
There are several others, I am sure. Some of these are seen in Scripture, some more fully/clearly than others.

2 Timothy 3:14 But you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it,

1 Corinthians 11:2 I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.

2 Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.
What is “seen” in these three passages? Something different from what is in Scripture? When they refer to “tradition” what do they mean? Someone outside of what was later committed to Scripture?
There is no question that Scripture makes it clear that there are teachings outside of Scripture.
There are teachings that exist outside of Scripture, but they are not binding, infallible, or God-breathed - only Scripture is. And none of these teachings are essential to the faith, they are primarily regarding general practices within the church.
Therefore Scripture makes it clear that it does not contain all the truths of faith.
I’m just going to keep hammering away. You guys say this all the time, but when I ask: “What truth is not contained in Scripture?” Well, the ‘answers’ speak for themselves.

Greg -
Yes, St Paul says that Scripture equips one for every good work.
Indeed, 2 Timothy 3:17. And “every good work” includes teaching the Christian faith, right? Let me ask you this, Greg. Is teaching the Bodily Assumption of Mary a “good work?” If so, how does Scripture fully equip you to do that good work?
Showing from Scripture that Scripture itself does not contain all the teachings is a good work.
What do you mean by “the teachings?” If you mean everything that is “inspired, God-breathed, Christian truth” then I totally disagree with you. Nothing other than Scripture is ever called “God-breathed” - 2 Timothy 3:16.
Therefore, one can never use Scripture alone to understand the fullness of the Christian faith. This is made clear from Scripture itself.
What specific parts of the Christian faith are not taught in Scripture?
So for a person to say that their Church teaches the truth and they base all their beliefs and practice only on Scripture is clearly wrong.
Again, why aren’t you telling us what it is specifically that you’re referring to? What inspired, God-breathed, essential beliefs of the Christian faith are not found in Scripture?
As far as what these traditions, letters, and oral teachings are, Catholics believe that the Catholic Church has carried on these teachings. This is a matter of faith just as belief in Jesus is a matter of faith.
🙂 😃 😉 Greg, in order to make your argument work against Scripture containing everything we need to know about the Christian faith, you’re going to have to tell us what it is that we’re missing. Remember the title of this thread: “What essential parts of Christianity are not found in Scripture?” I’ve not heard an answer yet.
Also, when the Catholic Church agreed on the Scriptures that comprise the New Testamant for the purposes of the Catholic Church, it was never intended or considered that the New Testamant would contain all the truths of the faith.
[yawn]… And what are those other … nevermind.

Greg -
This idea that Scripture contains all the turths of the faith is nothing more than a myth, an error made up by men.
The fact that you have danced all over the landscape, have asserted that Scripture doesn’t contain all the truths of the faith, and yet still have not produced any essential doctrines of the faith outside of Scripture demonstrates yet again the vacuous claims of one of man’s many religions which seeks to subvert and replace the authority of God-speaking in Scripture with its own authority. And this blind assent to it on your part is quite sad.
1 Timothy 4:6-7 If you will give these instructions to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound teaching you have followed. Avoid profane and silly myths.
nothing new… utter misuse of the passage.
So you see, the idea that a Church can know the truth about Jesus from the Scriptures without the Church is a myth. St. Paul warned about believing myths. Sola Scriptura is a man-made myth - a tradition of men.
No, Paul directed Timothy to Scripture, to that which is God-breathed. Paul also told Timothy, in the same passage:

**2 Timothy 3:1-7 -

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. **

Few passages could be more descriptive of an organization which arose centuries after the time of Christ and has twisted and perverted the gospel to the ruin of innumerable men and women through the centuries. We are never told to give blind submission to those over us, but to examine them on the basis of these types of passages. If they don’t meet the proper qualifications, flee from them. The Popes who murdered each other and bought and sold the papacy and other church offices during the pornocracy from 1000-1200 was but the tip of the iceberg of an organization which had long abandoned the apostolic deposit of faith which resurfaced and was made to shine in the darkness by the Protestant Reformers. Post Tenebras Lux!
Catholic Tradition is God’s revelation carried in the Body of Christ as well as Scripture.
The idea of a Catholic Tradition which is different from and contains truths not recorded in Scripture is a gnostic line of thought which was repudiated by the early fathers.
Tradition can shed light on and confirm Scripture.
As we have shown and as this entire thread has shown, Catholic “Tradition” doesn’t exist. Rome is not an infallible interpreter of Scripture, the primary reason being: she doesn’t interpret anything. What, 6 or 8 verses in 2000 years? I wonder, Greg, has Rome interpreted any of the passages you cited in this post? If not, what good is your personal, private interpretation? You do know what a double-standard is right?

Greg -
For example Catholics understand John 6 because our apostolic Tradition teaches us what it means and we also see the truth of it because it harmonizes with Scripture and brings light to the mind.
When it comes to John 6, personally, I agree with sainted doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Aurelius Augustine, who in his masterpiece “On Christian Doctrine” said:

“If the sentence is one of command, either forbidding a crime or vice, or enjoining an act of prudence or benevolence, it is not figurative. If, however, it seems to enjoin a crime or vice, or to forbid an act of prudence or benevolence, it is figurative. ‘Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man,’ says Christ, ‘and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.’ This seems to enjoin a crime or a vice; it is therefore a figure, enjoining that we should have a share in the sufferings of our Lord, and that we should retain a sweet and profitable memory of the fact that His flesh was wounded and crucified for us.**” - Augustine (On Christian Doctrine, 3:16:24)

I’ll be looking forward to a much better response than this from you in the future, Greg,

plakhamil -
What if someone, using that same logic, says to you: “It is a fact that the Bible is ‘vague’ because equally committed Christians have come up with contradictory interpretations of what the nature and content…”
[chuckle] People do that all the time to me! They’re called: Roman Catholics. My simple point is, the same line of questioning applies to you. When you use an argument against an opponent which works equally well to invalidate your own position, that is not a valid argument.

The real issue between us is not the matter of private interpretation (all of us privately interpret our ultimate authorities). The real issue is this: Which of our ultimate authorities (Scripture or Dogmatic Definitions of the Roman Catholic Church) is more reliable and more trustworthy. And I say Scripture all the way.

The real issue is this: Which of our ultimate authorities (Scripture or Dogmatic Definitions of the Roman Catholic Church) is more reliable and more trustworthy. And I say Scripture all the way.

Boule, you know that the Catholic Church does not separate herself from Scripture, nor place herself above it. As is often the case, the Catholic position is “both.” It is an inevitable sequela of separation from the Church that the Protestant position must be “either/or” and, therefore, antithetical. How unpleasant and unnatural.

Since you disallow the Catholic position entirely, why do you bother to ask these questions in these forums? Why do you care? You know that the Church isn’t about to say, “Wow! Boule! You’re right! How could we have been so stupid for 2000 years?”

Are you on fire to save benighted Catholics from our destiny as Hell fodder? Do you just enjoy displaying your prowess in the field of debate? Are you struggling with the Catholic position because you find it seductive but have been so conditioned to hate the Whore of Babylon that you cannot imagine in your worst nightmare that she might actually be the Bride of Christ?
mercygate -
Boule, you know that the Catholic Church does not separate herself from Scripture, nor place herself above it.
Scripture is not your ultimate authority, nor is it one of several ultimate authorities for you. You accept Rome over Scripture. Paul said in Romans 11:6 that if salvation is “by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace.” In contrast to that, Rome says salvation is by grace plus works. I.e. grace which then enables us to do works which merit de congruo eternal life. Who do you believe? Rome. Who do I believe? Scripture.
Since you disallow the Catholic position entirely, why do you bother to ask these questions in these forums?
So misinformed Catholics can hear what Protestants actually believe rather than the caricatures perpetuated by Catholic Answers.
Why do you care?
Because Christ saved me and God is love. My response to His saving work in my life is gratitude. I express that gratitude by sharing the gospel and the truth with others.
You know that the Church isn’t about to say, “Wow! Boule! You’re right! How could we have been so stupid for 2000 years?”
Of course. The Roman Church will probably never reform herself. Her own position on revelation disallows it. Paul said Scripture serves to “correct” - 2 Timoty 3:16. But since Rome has exempted herself from the possibility of ever needing correction, she has cut herself off from the voice of God and replaced it with her own. Hence, she can never be reformed - by definition.

But if I can get just a few Catholics to spend time reading their Bibles, all the insults and motive impugning are worth it.
Are you on fire to save benighted Catholics from our destiny as Hell fodder?
I can’t save anyone - only Christ can. Romans 5:9, John 3:36, etc. Let me ask you: Do you think you are going to go to heaven when you die? Why or Why not?
Do you just enjoy displaying your prowess in the field of debate?
It saddens me more than anything to see the ignorance of Scripture so often displayed by Catholics because of the false system of authority they have given themselves to and have bought hook, line, and sinker.
Are you struggling with the Catholic position because you find it seductive but have been so conditioned to hate the Whore of Babylon that you cannot imagine in your worst nightmare that she might actually be the Bride of Christ?
No. It is so patently and obviously wrong that such a struggle has never occured to me.

Hence, she can never be reformed - by definition
The Catholic Church is reformed by the councils, the saints (Catherine of Siena, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila…)
Rome says salvation is by grace plus works. I.e. grace which then enables us to do works which merit de congruo eternal life.

Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.” (CCC, 1996)

“The grace of Christ is the gratuitous gift that God makes to us of his own life, infused by the Holy Spirit into our soul to heal it of sin and to sanctify it.” (CCC, 1999)

“Since it belongs to the supernatural order, grace escapes our experience and cannot be known except by faith. We cannot therefore rely on our feelings or our works to conclude that we are justified and saved.” (CCC, 2005)

The charity of Christ is the source in us of all our merits before God. Grace, by uniting us to Christ in active love, ensures the supernatural quality of our acts and consequently their merit before God and before men. The saints have always had a lively awareness that their merits were pure grace.” (CCC, 2011)

You are glorified in the assembly of your Holy Ones, for in crowning their merits you are crowning your own gifts. (St.Augustine)
Greg -

Nothing other than Scripture is ever called “God-breathed” - 2 Timothy 3:16.

Not true. Jesus “breathed” on the apostles and then told them they could forgive sins. The apostles are, therefore, “God-breathed”.

What specific parts of the Christian faith are not taught in Scripture?
Again, why aren’t you telling us what it is specifically that you’re referring to? What inspired, God-breathed, essential beliefs of the Christian faith are not found in Scripture?

As I mentioned previously, the Trinity is not contained in Scripture. I have yet to receive your response on that one.
sabrina -

Did Jesus breath additional revelation on them? More teachings which differ from the Bible? What were they?

I wasn’t trying to argue the point that the apostles were breathed new revelation. My only point was that you indicated that only scripture is God-breathed, when in fact, that’s not true. You have to admit that. The apostles were indeed God-breathed. What that means is arguable, but it’s not debatable that they were God-breathed as the text bears that out.

The purpose of this thread is: “What essential parts of Christianity are not found in Scripture?”

I indicated that the foundation of our faith, the Trinity, is not found in scripture. Please address that issue as this is the purpose of the thread. The entire doctrine of the Trinity is not found in the Bible. Please note the scripture where the Trinity is defined as Father, Son and Holy Spirit being equal, that they are one and that they are of the same substance, distinct and one God all at the same time. The classic prooftext for Trinitarianism is where scripture indicates being baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but this and other texts fall short of upholding and defining the doctrine.

In short, the Trinity is a totally essential doctrine, and it cannot be found in Scripture. We believe in the Trinity because it is what Christians have always believed, not because it is in the Bible.
Are you on fire to save benighted Catholics from our destiny as Hell fodder? Do you just enjoy displaying your prowess in the field of debate? Are you struggling with the Catholic position because you find it seductive but have been so conditioned to hate the Whore of Babylon that you cannot imagine in your worst nightmare that she might actually be the Bride of Christ?
Whatever his reason is, he can’t answer the basic question I ask of those that follow sola scriptura. How can you reconcile the different beliefs regarding salvation? Southern Baptist believe you cannot lose your salvation, while Freewill Baptist believe you can. Methodist believe you don’t have to be baptized, while Church of Christ believe you do have to be baptized. They cannot all be correct. These are literally life and death issues, and sola scriptura believers have conflicting beliefs about them. These are the first questions that come to mind. They are the type of questions that motivated me to look into the Catholic Church.
sabrina << In short, the Trinity is a totally essential doctrine, and it cannot be found in Scripture. We believe in the Trinity because it is what Christians have always believed, not because it is in the Bible. >>

This is probably the best example of a doctrine fully accepted by boule (Patrick) that is not found explicitly in the pages of Scripture. Although I would carefully word the above as “the Trinity in its full 4th-century Nicaean-Constantopolitan-Athanasian expression is a totally essential doctrine, and that full and explicit orthodox expression of the Trinity cannot be found in Scripture.”

And for supporting proof, I’ll quote two Evangelical writers Eric Svendsen (of NTRMin.org) and E. Calvin Beisner (brother of Gretchen Passantino of Answers in Action) –

Beisner: speaks frequently about “the development of the doctrine of the Trinity” and “trinitarian development in the writings of the Church Fathers” and “the first three centuries of trinitarian doctrinal development…” (Beisner, God in Three Persons, page 8, 66, 106, etc). Beiser also states: “It is this latter factor, the nature of Jesus as ‘Son of God,’ which became the center of trinitarian controversy for centuries to come; and it is this which evolved, over a period of roughly five hundred years, into the kernel of the Athanasian Creed. (The statements about the Holy Spirit evolved more slowly but along parallel lines.)” (page 14). He goes on to explain “the development occurred in four ways…” (page 15ff).

Svendsen: “There have been many beliefs held by the church for hundreds of years before some controversy forced it into the open and an official statement was made. Very little was said about a belief in the Trinity before the council of Nicaea and the Athanasian creed. Are we to assume that the church did not widely hold to a belief in the Trinity before Nicaea? Of course not…The reason little was said about the Trinity before Nicaea is that it was not an issue until Nicaea. Arius could well have argued that belief in the Trinity was unhistorical in his day (after all, there were no explicit statements about the Trinity for three-hundred years)…” (Eric Svendsen, Evangelical Answers, page 120)

The edition of Svendsen I have is from 1997, I am told this section is on another page in his later edition. Now I don’t want to misrepresent since both these guys believe the Trinity is biblical, but they also acknowledge the development of doctrine in the Catholic Church on this belief. From my debate with JasonTE from a couple years ago…

We’ll see if Boule (Patrick) has anything to say on this.

Phil P
I agree with Dr. Svendsen.

C’mon, Phil. You know what we’re talking about here: purgatory, indulgences, the bodily assumption… Why do Catholics always obfuscate the issue of “Tradition” being extra-Biblical by bringing up the Trinity? As if that’s a meaningful parallel to what Rome has defined on the basis of Tradition.

The question has never been, “Does the church develop in its understanding of the Christian faith?” The real question is: “What are the parameters that guide that development?” I say that parameter is Scripture alone. If you deny that, then show us your other source of God-breathed revelation that is distinct from and different from Scripture.

Let’s see if Phil Porvasnik will actually address the real issue here as I know myself, Dr. White, and Dr. Svendsen and myriads of other Protestants have explained this to him times without number.

And Phil, you never did answer my question over at Envoy. Why didn’t you call in to the Dividing Line that one time? And why would you be willing to debate James White’s books with anyone except James White himself?

I agree with Dr. Svendsen.

C’mon, Phil. You know what we’re talking about here: purgatory, indulgences, the bodily assumption… Why do Catholics always obfuscate the issue of “Tradition” being extra-Biblical by bringing up the Trinity? As if that’s a meaningful parallel to what Rome has defined on the basis of Tradition.

No, that’s not what we are talking about. Your thread is “What essential parts of Christianity are not found in Scripture?” The purpose of your thread is not indulgences, Marian doctrines, etc. I have answered your thread specifically with the Trinity as an essential doctrine that is not contained in Scripture, and I am still waiting on your response. We can discuss everything in each thread, so let’s leave indulgences and purgatory for another thread. Please offer your Biblical support for the Trinity.
Let’s see if Phil Porvasnik will actually address the real issue here as I know myself, Dr. White, and Dr. Svendsen and myriads of other Protestants have explained this to him times without number.

The challenge to you still stands: Please reply with your Biblical support for the Trinity. If you can’t come up with it, then you will be forced to admit that Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, derive some of their doctrine outside of the Bible. Support for Tradition should be the purpose of another thread. The purpose of this thread is clear, and you have yet to respond.
sabrina -
Please reply with your Biblical support for the Trinity
That would necessitate literally dozens and dozens of posts. The testimony spans the entirety of Scripture. Surely you are not suggesting that the blessed truth that there is one true God in three divine persons is not a Biblical doctrine are you?

boule (Patrick) << C’mon, Phil. You know what we’re talking about here: purgatory, indulgences, the bodily assumption… >>

Stay with the Trinity and answer these questions (a summary of all the questions asked of you above 😛 )

(1) Do you believe the Trinity in its full Nicaean-Constantopolitan-Athanasian expression is an “essential doctrine of the Christian faith” ?

(2) If not, how can you consider yourself an orthodox Christian?

(3) If so, can you please show me the one or two biblical verses that clearly and explicitly teach this full doctrine of the Trinity – something about “one in substance/nature/essence but three in Person” would be acceptable, not the bare mention of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or the bare mention that each is somehow “God” since the Arians affirmed that as well.

BTW, purgatory, indulgences, and the Marian doctrines have been given various biblical, historical and theological Catholic defenses. You find them wanting. Fine. Many Arians find the clear and explicit biblical evidence for the Trinity from the Scriptures alone wanting. Stay with the Trinity and answer the questions. 😃 And please acknowledge the development of the doctrine as your evangelical mentors do. 👍

Phil P

In your opinion, can one come to know the love of Jesus Christ, develop a personal relationship with Him, and be saved–all without a bible?
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