It’s tempting to say that God the good and Satan is the evil, but notice especially that it does not state good versus evil, which would imply two Gods, and thus be heresy. No, we live in a world of good and evil. I feel that the good and evil work in conjunction with each other.
According to the Jewish Tanya, there exists two souls within us: The animal soul and the divine soul, which is similar to what Freud termed the id and superego, respectively. Our goal in life, according to the Tanya, is to crush the animal soul, similar to the way we are commanded to mortify the self in Christianity. This may be related to the knowledge of good and evil, but I feel that there is more to it.
Something tells me that to understand this is beyond our grasp, but well worth noting.
According to the Jewish Tanya, there exists two souls within us: The animal soul and the divine soul, which is similar to what Freud termed the id and superego, respectively. Our goal in life, according to the Tanya, is to crush the animal soul, similar to the way we are commanded to mortify the self in Christianity. This may be related to the knowledge of good and evil, but I feel that there is more to it.
Something tells me that to understand this is beyond our grasp, but well worth noting.